
Active Member
Are there any builders at KHWD who'd help mentor me in my RV-14 build?
I also have a beautiful flying RV-3B :)

Please drop me a note, I'd love to meet more RV people around the airport.
Andrew Kilroy

You should check out Andrew Kilroy in Oakland. He’s building a 14a and has a good/funky YouTube build channel. I’ve dropped in on him twice and he’s been great with answering questions.
I'm building a 7A over in Redwood City. Not sure how much I can mentor you as a first time builder but if there's anything you need feel free to ask!

Hi Andrew,

I’m also KHWD based (hangar N8) and I have a RV3 & 4 (selling the 3 soon). Don’t know that I can be of much help with your -14 but feel free to reach out if you wish.

Best Regards
I've got a 7 in progress in mountain view. If you want to swing by and take a look, I'm not a professional, but have gotten pretty good at rivet driving and fiberglass work.
You should check out Andrew Kilroy in Oakland. He’s building a 14a and has a good/funky YouTube build channel. I’ve dropped in on him twice and he’s been great with answering questions.

Hey yes I'm in OAK. I'm 3.5 years in on my build, just waiting on an engine. Everything else is done... ish.

Drop me a line I'm always available to spread whatever wisdom I have.

- Andrew