YEAH RV BUILDERS ARE CHEAP! Try making a living working on experimentals! The people who BUY RV's are MUCH easier to work with than the people who have built them. I've noticed that builders are MUCH worse than the average aircraft owner. I've probably done 15-20 condition inspections in the last 2-3 years, and work as a A&P for the last 6...

the cutomer does not decide the value of your work by and the competition decide what is worth. I charge $85 to $105 just to tell you what it will cost to repair your airconditioner,you get paid for knowing what screw to turn not for turnig the screw. why repair 10 at $10 when you can repair one for $100. you will work less and make the same or more. life is short and time is all you have. spend it wisely there are no refunds.