The ban on vehicle traffic (except for some golf carts) on sections of the grounds is long overdue and very much appreciated. It's nuts that in a place with 800,000 people, all looking up, you've got vehicle traffic zipping all over the place. They're going to keep the golf carts, as I understand it, because bigshots are incapable of walking. :rolleyes:

I'm concerned about the future of the campground. When I stopped in at the booth the other day, they kept using the word "luxury campground," which is sort of an oxymoron.

But it's clear EAA wants the grounds to be making money all year 'round, and I assume they want more convention business. A lot of spouses don't go to Oshkosh because they want "luxury" accomodations. And now they'll get them.

I guess it remains to be seen whether when that happens, the "spouses" spouses will still want to go. :p

Of course when that happens, stuff will HAVE to work. The wiFi in the campground was quite sporadic and I've checked with a lot of T*Mobile customers and for the most part their cell and data service was non-existent (running off the Erickson network) in the campground, but worked on the AirVenture grounds. It's been much better in previous years.

But it's clear from looking at the master plan that it took a LOT of work and there was a very smart person behind it.