
I just bought an unused -8 tail kit today. I haven't had too much hands on with RV's so I'm looking for someone in NW GA too talk too and maybe buck a few rivets with.

I am in Woodstock so somewhere over here would be ideal. Of course someone a bit farther is an excuse to fly the Dakota so....
Reply or shoot me a pm if you need an extra set of hands.

Thanks guys

Welcome aboard. There are quite a few builders and flyers in the NW Atlanta area. Hopefully a few of them will chime in.

Do you have your basic tools? Rivet gun, sets, bucking bars, drills, dimpling equipment, drills, etc?

If so, the best thing you can do is get someone to show you how to drive a rivet, then spend 30 minutes an evening for a couple of weeks practicing.

I'd be glad to show you the ropes myself, but I have commitments for the next few weekends (and a 3 year old who consumes most evenings).
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Welcome Dan

Welcome. If you want to come over to the NE side (Suwanee), I can help you get started on riveting. I have lots of leftover scrap to work on. There is a group of RV builders that get together every about 6-8 weeks to socialize and help out each other. I am working on my RV-10 almost every night.
I'm in Woodstock, too. I have a sloooooow build 7A. PM me and we can meet if you would like.
Not building at the present but have a RV9 and RV7 in the hanger at Taylorsville, GA 34 05' 22.64N 084 59' 13.51W . Not on the map but have a 1800 ft grass field. Caution, field is one way in one way out. Here most every day stop by sometime. DRR 7708233426
I'm in Woodstock, off Arnold Mill Rd..

I'm working on a -14, but also purchased an -8 this summer to fly while building.
Shoot me over a PM, I would be happy to give you a hand sometime.
Thanks for all the responses guys. I don't have tools yet but am looking at pro's & cons of each supplier, Isham, Avery, etc.

If any of you have input into DRDT and pneumatic squeezer vs C frame and hand I would love to hear them.

Sending PMs now.

Dan, my brother and I built a RV-9A in Woodstock. It is now flying out of Calhoun. I am currently helping him with a RV-10 in Canton. Be glad to help anyway we can.

Definitely buy the DRDT2. Definitely numatic squeezers. Defininely Tungstan bucking bar (1"x3"x.75" or about). I bought Avery tools and have been happy with them. Other suppliers good as well.
Im not to far away from all of you guys (Just outside of Chattanooga, TN) but I work down in Dalton, GA. I am a prospective builder myself, and I am looking to buy the tail kit of an RV-7 in a few months.

I'd like to get together with some of you experienced builders to learn the ropes a bit.

If we could organize a "Builder Rally" that would be awesome! The new guys like me could order the practice kits and toolbox kits from Van's, and bring them to learn on.

If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to start a thread in this forum to get ideas and suggestions going!
North Atlanta Builders Group

We have a group of RV builders that get together every 6-8 weeks for dinner and to talk shop, and sometimes to do a little help with a project. Have had several at my house, putting the plane on it's gear, mounting the engine, and next month (or possibly early January) will have everyone over to fit the wings.

If you want to be included on the mailing list contact Daniel S.
Or myself. [email protected]
RV-7 in Rome

A little late to the thread, but I am building a 7 in Rome, which isn't too far from Woodstock or Chattanooga. I actually work in the Woodstock area off of Canton Rd. I would be happy to let anyone use my tools, especially those new to building. Currently, I am working on the fuselage skins. If anyone wants to shoot or buck rivets, I have plenty that you can practice on!
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A little off topic, but does anyone know who was transporting an unpainted set of RV wings on US 41 just North of Cartersville this morning? I saw them on the way to work.