Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
Traveling out of the country in the morning. Curious about any security problems with the big nickle RV buckle. I would hate to leave it in Helsinky.

Bob Axsom
Bob Axsom said:
Traveling out of the country in the morning. Curious about any security problems with the big nickle RV buckle. I would hate to leave it in Helsinky.
I think there could be two ways around the issue.

1) wear it to hold up the ole' trousers. When you get to the screeners plan to remove the belt and place it in one of those plastic containers along with your keys, change, shoes, cell phone or anything else that will set off the detector.

2) Put it in your checked baggage. Should not be an issue as they are not routinely scanned by metal detectors. These bags are only scanned for explosives.
even if they are scanned for explosives your bags may and still will probably be searched... it never fails any time i travel w/ my tool bag or computer parts.. they never search it on the way to my jobsite but always on the way back.. pretty weird if you ask me.
Belt buckle

I have a belt buckle similar to the RV one - it is a GA buckle showing GA aircraft I've had for quite a few years. When I wear it traveling, I just remove my belt and put it in the bin that gets scanned and I've never had any trouble.
Interestingly, prior to 9/11, I traveled internationally and going through US metal detectors wearing the buckle at the security checkpoints did not set them off! However every non-US checkpoint was set off and I was scanned by hand.
Belt Buckle

Hello, Bob. If your talking about my buckle, or any other for that matter, just do as the gentleman above suggests. Take it off and put it in the bucket and let it get scanned. I travel all the time, this is what I do with mine, and have never had a problem. Happy travels!
I just got back from 3 weeks in Turku and Helsinki. The security in Helsinki for US bound flights is even tighter then the security here. There's a second security checkpoint for US bound flights. In addition to normal security stuff we're all accustomed to, everyone gets a pat down on the other side of the metal detector without exception. That's as of three weeks ago.

Have a nice trip. Maybe you'll find some nice, old aircraft instruments at the kirpputori :D