How much of a gap do you have at the LG leading edge, where your thumb is in the last picture? Looks like the fairing needs to slide back a little and the upper part is stopping it. Cut it off??
How much of a gap do you have at the LG leading edge, where your thumb is in the last picture? Looks like the fairing needs to slide back a little and the upper part is stopping it. Cut it off??

There is no gap at the LG leading edge. Maybe I should slice/cut the upper front part so the entire fairing could slide up and back, then I can patch the slit to conform the fuselage/LG leading edge?

Here is a picture of the proposed cut in red line:
Cut and slice

Robin, I am RV Bits main competitor. From the looks of it you can cut the sleeve around the gear leg up a little and it will slide back a little. you may have to trim back a little where it goes around the wing leading edge too.

Steve Barnes
Robin, I am RV Bits main competitor. From the looks of it you can cut the sleeve around the gear leg up a little and it will slide back a little. you may have to trim back a little where it goes around the wing leading edge too.

Steve Barnes

Hi Steve,

It is very nice of you to help out your competitor's customer; thank you.

When you said "cut the sleeve around the gear leg up a little", do you mean to trim off the top part of my gear leg fairing then push it up a little, so the portion of the gear leg fairing under the intersection fairing is narrower?

Is it the shadow or is the root fairing a different radius than the fuel tank? It appears from the picture that it might fit the tank radius fine and you just need to rebend the root fairing to match the tank??? Just a thought