
Active Member
Hello fellow aviators.

I've recently moved back to South East Queensland from the north. Have been looking at building my own aircraft for a few years now. Looked at a few different types, but none seem to have the peer support that this forum provides to RV builders. Am looking at building the RV-14A.

Trouble is that I've never actually seen an RV in the "flesh", so I'm wondering if there are any builders in the SE that might be willing to show me their masterpiece either complete and/or in progress.

Also looking for some great local information on things like:
- ordering (individual or multiple sections)
- delivery (best methods to Brisbane area, sea/air freight etc)
- tools (purchase in Oz, USA, delivery with kit etc)
- supplementary materials - local sources etc
- best chapter of SAAA in the area for RV's

Am currently located in Brisbane but probably moving to Sunshine Coast mid-October. Looking at property at Gatton Airpark this week with the 5 year plan of moving there (and hopefully working at Brisbane West (Wellcamp) airport).

Am hoping to start building as soon as possible after settling in - preferably before the end of the year.

Thanks and look forward to hearing from the locals.
Thanks Tom,
Hoping to hear from some a little closer to me in regards to seeing an RV firstly, but hopefully anyone in Aus can chime in with the other info.
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SAAA Chapter 22 (Sunshine Coast) sounds like your best bet. Give SAAA a call for contact details.

My suggestions on the other items...

1. Order the empennage and wings and maybe fuselage together. That will keep you busy for quite a while. Then finishing and FWF. Leave the avionics until last because they keep getting updated. Ship avionics by air and seafreight the rest. There are local shippers but I left it all to Barb at Vans and was very happy with the outcome. She's excellent to deal with. The big gamble is the exchange rate. The aussie was 82c US when I ordered my first kits, and was at $1.05 when I ordered the FWF. It makes a big difference! Don't forget 10% GST on everything well.

2. Order RV tools from Avery, Cleaveland, Isham or Brown Tools in the US. They all do toolkits for RV's. You may want to add more tools over time, but they will get you started. You will need a decent sized compressor as well. Get a belt driven one if possible, because they are quieter. Use the search engine on VAF to look for examples of workshop setups.

3. Van's recent kits like the RV-12 and RV-14 are very complete. There isn't much extra you will need, apart from consumables most of which you will be able to get locally. However, be prepared to spend quite a bit on postage for items from the US. You will often want various bits and pieces and the postage costs are often 2-3 times the value of the order.
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Just on tools, you may also want to check out Brown tools who also do an RV tool kit. I've just received my kit from them and very happy with the price and service.
G'day Ian,

I have an RV-7 at my hangar at the Gatton Airpark. I would be happy to show you around, however, I have a very busy few weeks coming up and probably won't get out there for at least three weeks.

