
Well Known Member
Does anyone know if they run these workshops at either Sun n' Fun or Osh? I looked at the EAA workshop schedule, which goes out to mid April, and it doesn't look like there is one scheduled for Sun n' Fun. I would think that would be a slam dunk for holding such a workshop. Is there really not one available there? What about at Osh?

I have never seen one listed at OSH in the years I have gone, although they have had them there at other times.....
Airventure Workshops

The Airventure workshops, in the forum area, are designed to give folks a taste of different aspects of building. These workshops are only a few hours long, for instance I volunteer at the sheetmetal workshop which is put on at 8:30 and 1:00 every day. There is a one-hour lecture and 2-hour handson project (10 rivets total).

The SportAir workshops are much more indepth and span two weekend days (and sometimes a bonus evening event). The one I attended assembled a flap segment.

I was a slow learner and did the Oshkosh workshop then the RV Assembly Sportair Workshop, because I had no sheetmetal experience. 8-years later and I still don't have my plane done, but I can tell people whether they have a good rivet vs. bad rivet and how to set up a counter sink cage.

It think the Sportair workshops are well worth the price.
Sport Air Sheet Metal...

I recently completed this workshop in Atlanta and found it very helpful. I have been pondering building a RV for a year or so, and this class gave the me skills I will need to get started. I'm sure I still have a lot to learn, but at least I can now understand what yall are talking about.
Sportair RV Assembly

I also attended the Sportair RV assembly workshop when it was held in Waco, TX, about 6 months ago. I went in with no sheet metal experience and many doubts as to whether or not I could build an airplane. After a very enjoyable weekend, I left feeling confident and ready to order my empennage. I highly recommend attending one of theses courses even if you have to go a bit out of your way to get to one.
What a marine did


There is a sheet metal workshop at S-n-F. It is not RV specific but... there are several experienced RV builders who volunteer. There are basic tools and plenty of metal. Vans donated dozens of practice kits couple years ago and they are still there.

What one marine did was he came one day with questions about RVs. The guy was very interested and had time. He took the practice kit with instructions and studied it. Next day he came again and started drilling, then learned how to rivet. Day after next he came again to his little practice project. He could not finish this small control surface because at the shop he met somebody he knew and they blahhhed a lot:)

My point is - if you are planning to visit S-n-F and have several days, do as that marine did. You will learn a lot for free from volunteers :D


re: learning

I agree with Vlad, you can learn a lot from local builders and volunteers for free. I have no idea how much the courses cost, but I'm a really cheap person.:)
I'm alomost certain you could find someone within a reasonable distance to help you get started. They'd probably let you come over and help drive/buck rivets. drill, dimple, deburr, etc for free.:D Heck, when you get started, they may even come to your place and help you. Not mention, they'll probably be ahead of you enough that when you get to the fiberglass part, they'll have been there done that and give assistance there also.
I'm not knocking these classes. But unless you're out in the middle of BFE, with absolutely no one within many many miles. I'd say save your money.
This is strictly my opinion only.

Marshall Alexander