
Well Known Member
My wife Judie had to go to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Mn. I reached out on the forum for help and we got it in spades. First Ronn said he might have hangar space then Rich and Cindy said they did have space for sure. Rich made all the promises and then went fishing and Cindy met us, put us in the hangar and took care of us all week. A tour of Rochester, took us out to dinner and delivered us back to the airport to leave. Joe picked me up at the hotel so I could get my airplane cleaned up for departure and stayed with me because transient pilots can't be left alone on the Rochester airport. Dick listened to my stories and offered margaritas. All of this because we own a RV. Judie's results from the clinic were very good and I want to thank all of these folks for making a stressful situation much easier. Rich, Cindy wants a new ceiling fan and I told her you would get it for her. Hope to see all of you at Oshkosh. Thanks and Thanks!:D
Glad to hear Judie got good news!!

I thought that was you checking on at 14.5 the other day RST..OWP, I'll say Howdy next time. Hopefully see you guys at OSH.
Glad everything worked out for you at RST. I know Ronn and he will bend over backwards to help out a fellow RV flyer. I have visited RST many times to visit my son and daughter-in-law. I only once paid the Signature ramp fee which was on a Sunday and the manager was not there. All other times he told me don't worry about it. I even used their crew car once for all morning and cost nothing. So in general I'd give Signature at RST a pass for us little guys. They certainly are catering to the G-550s of the world.
Do I ever feel out of touch.

Transient pilots can't be left alone at the Rochester airport?

Give me some Google search terms - I want to learn more about security theater and the like. I'm sincere.