
Hello all,
I'm building a 9A in Jackson. Just wondering if they're any others in the area... I'd like to see one done for inspiration and maybe even a ride (haven't yet flown in any RV). I'd buy the fuel :)
Indiana RV-9A

If you are like a lot of Michiganders and make trips down south, stop by OVO (North Vernon, IN) and I would be happy to give you some time.

Bob Kelly
Not to far

I am over in Windsor, just across from detroit. No where near finished, but you can sit in it and we can have a beer and pretend. I got the t/o and landings, you can take control when we pretend we are at 3000.
Little farther . . .

I'm in Bay Village, Ohio, about 1.5 hr east of Toledo. 9A, SB wings about to go in the rack for assy, QB fuse & finishing kit should ship from vans this week(!).
O320H2AD parts purchasing in process, case, crank, rods all OH already. Bought Dynon D180 EFIS/EMS to anchor the panel in one of those 'deals you can't ignore'.

Rick 90432
N323TP is based at PTK and was launched in 2/04. I fly every weekend, so we could either meet at Pontiac or Jackson. PTK is home to a number of experimentals: Falco, Velocity, Murphy Rebel on floats, Cozy, Long Eze, Defiant, Vari Eze, Stoddard, Zenith, as well as 5 or 6 RVs.
Let me know if/when/where you might be interested in getting together. Contact me directly at:
[email protected]
cell: 248-417-8585

just building

Just starting on the empennage in Lapeer Mi. so I would be of little help.I am quite a distance away but anytime you would like to get together let me know, I work in Ann Arbor so that's a little closer. I know there are some 9As in lower Michigan, maybe they will chime in.

I am building in Jenison. There are 3 of us in various stages of a RV-9A at Riverview airport (08C) in the Chapter 145 Eaa hanger. Stop by sometime. Saturdays are a good day to visit.
There is a 9-A out of Toledo Metcaf. The owner ,Paul Cherry , lives in Petersburg, Mi. We used to be in the same 182 club. You can find out more on Dan Checkoway's website, RV finder.
Thanks for all the replies! I might hit some of you up for the offers! My building is slowing down because of the weather (unheated pole barn) but I'm getting close to doing panel work and I need to get the finishing kit ordered.