
I'm New Here
I'm considering an RV9, but I've never seen one in person. If anyone in the area has a flying example that I could lay eyes on or catch a ride in, I'd appreciate the opportunity.

I know some folks are building them around here too. If I could see what that process looks like, I'd also very much appreciate that opportunity.

Thanks in advance.


Welcome aboard!

I have one, and have given quite a few demos. I am not all that far from you, at OVO, North Vernon, Indiana, about 50 miles west. If you are interested, let me know. You can send me a PM.

at Butler County

I have a 9 at Butler County at 90% if you want to see it. I don't know if it's true but I heard Butler County Regional may soon be renamed RV Thocker Central.
I have a 9 at Butler County at 90% if you want to see it. I don't know if it's true but I heard Butler County Regional may soon be renamed RV Thocker Central.

I'd love to see your plane. When do you plan to work on the plane next? I'd prefer to meet you at a time when you're already planning to work. I don't want you to make a special trip.

We live next to KLUK, so a drive to KHAO is only about 30 minutes.
I definitely agree on renaming the airport to Mutha Thocker Central!

Mike, I've got a -9a that I'm working on the wings on, though it's at my condo in Maineville. It'll be at HAO in about another year when I run out of room. Drop by Steve's hangar, it's a beauty. And the two-hour trip out to North Vernon is well worth the ride with Bob.

There are other in-progress builders at HAO, but I'll PM you directly, as they're not nearly as active on here. And if you need help or ideas, let us know. We don't bite (hard). Good luck!
