
I'm New Here
with the alierons in the neutral position one of my wing tips at the trailing edge is off by 3/8 of an inch. no amount of muscle would rotate it enough to be even before drilling. It was suggested that I could split the trailing edge and end of tip enough..flex to place, and re-do the fiberglass.
any comments or suggestions? is this necessary?
If you are not at final assembly stage yet I would suggest do not do anything with wing tips. Maybe just do initial fitting without major alterations. Store them vertically and finish the plane. Things could change (plastic shrinks :) ) in couple years, you get more experience and vision. I remember my right tip was misaligned at first. I fitted it recently for last time and it's almost there with very minor corrections.

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I agree with Vlad - put it in place for now and worry about this detail after final assembly (and maybe even after flying unless you are painting before flying). It may or many not need adjustment at that point.

Thanks I will do that. I have had them for 5 years so probably cured but I will wait to see what happens after storing vertically, (they were for 3 years, then laid flat for 2)My daughter and I are finally getting some real time in on the project! If you get north of kansas city I have a .5 grass strip and a hanger with some room.