
Well Known Member
Can someone direct me to where detailed V speeds for the RV-9 or RV-9A are documented? Including Speeds such as Vx, Vy, stall speeds (flaps, no flaps, etc).
They are (should be) determined for each aircraft during Phase 1 testing. There are so many variations in builds that numbers may be similar but won?t be the same. My Vx with a light plane and fixed pitch prop will not be the same as somebody with an io360 and constant speed.

If I may add to Chris's comment, for the benefit of anyone reading this thread in future...

Vfe, Va, Vno, and Vne are derived from structural limitations set by the design engineer, which is why Van's provides them on their website.

Vso, Vs1, Vbg, Vx and Vy as Chris said.

A word of caution with good intention:

Van's publish their numbers in MPH. In my travels I have seen more than one aircraft substitute the letters MPH with KIAS in their avionics without converting the numbers.

Similarly I've seen many a POH mishmash MPH, KIAS and KTAS with some numbers replicated using alternating units of measurement.

Case in point both RV9 POHs listed here on VAF.

Van's have determined Va for the RV9 is 118 MPH (102KIAS). One of the aforementioned manuals lists Va as 132 MPH under airspeed limitations and both have listed Va in the Emergency Section as either 115 or 118 KIAS (132-135 MPH).

That's an 11-13% exceedance over the design limitation.

Just be careful.
They are (should be) determined for each aircraft during Phase 1 testing. There are so many variations in builds that numbers may be similar but won?t be the same. My Vx with a light plane and fixed pitch prop will not be the same as somebody with an io360 and constant speed.


Yep, part of the fun/education of the Experimental world. Just to throw my Vy number out there, it's 82 KIAS, which also happens to be best glide speed at max gross. My -9A has an IO-320-D1A and a FP Catto prop, 70x70.

I typically climb out around 90 KIAS for better engine cooling, and then above TPA transition to a 100 KIAS cruise climb to altitude.
Yep, part of the fun/education of the Experimental world. Just to throw my Vy number out there, it's 82 KIAS, which also happens to be best glide speed at max gross. My -9A has an IO-320-D1A and a FP Catto prop, 70x70.

I typically climb out around 90 KIAS for better engine cooling, and then above TPA transition to a 100 KIAS cruise climb to altitude.

Doug, if you are interested in efficiency of flight, you might find a climb speed of 107-110 knots more useful. Say 110 for round numbers. Vz is where the value is.