Active Member
Hello all. I just purchased an RV-9A and am excited to join your world. I am in Jackson, MS and my insurance Co. requires 3 hours of 9A dual with a CFI that has 9A experience. They say instruction in any other RV will not do. Are there any CFI's out there with 9A experience? Where did others get their transition training? Thanks!!!

Congrats on your new toy!

There are some good instructors a little further East that have -9A time. Vern and Pierre are two that I can think of off the top of my head.

Funny your insurance company is insisting on -9A time. My insurance company (Falcon) started out saying I had to get time in a -9 and when I told them there were less than 10 RV-9's flying they agreed to letting me do it in any side-by-side tail dragger RV and I didn't need a CFI. So I did my transition time in the right seat of a friend's RV-6.
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Hi Evan.....

....tell your insurance company that many guys have trained in -6A's and -7A's, half a dozen or more by me and they all had no problem going to their -9A's. Have 'em call me.

This is a great time to buy a flying RV. Congrats!

I would think any good CFI can fly a -9 to get familiar with it then take you up anf finish the requirement. Just call around and ask some CFI's if they can, or if they know of anyone.
Hello all. I just purchased an RV-9A and am excited to join your world. I am in Jackson, MS and my insurance Co. requires 3 hours of 9A dual with a CFI that has 9A experience. They say instruction in any other RV will not do. Are there any CFI's out there with 9A experience? Where did others get their transition training? Thanks!!!

Wow, the -9A only training is the first I have heard of. My policy required 5 hours in "any 'A' model RV". Who is your carrier?

If you can use Pierre's services I would recommend him. He did my transition training and he is a super nice guy and a good stick.
RV-9A Training

I greatly appreciate your responses. My carrier is AIG. I just got off the phone with my AOPA Rep. & they are sticking by the requirement for the CFI to have time in the 9A. They will not bend on a CFI having time in any other RV. I'm looking to other carriers now. Again, thanks. I can't wait to pick up my new toy. Bought it from Bill Rounds out of Appleton, WI. He is a very nice guy. You can see my new baby on this site. He listed it under user name roundman. Keep your suggestion coming:)
Try Falcon.... Kerrville, Tx. I've had guys tell me that AIG wouldn't even cover them for the first 10 hours in their freshly built RV's!!

Where is the aircraft? Does it have dual brakes? I'd have to fly your plane as I don't have a letter of deviation to use mine for dual. Perhaps we can work something out. Phone 248-417-8585. E-mail: [email protected]
Terry, CFI
9A Transition Training

The plane is in Appleton, WI just outside of Oshkosh. No brakes on co-pilots side. I appreciate your advice.
I'll also look into Falcon Ins.
Evan, how much time does your CFI have to have in a -9A? Find a CFI without RV time, let them fly your plane for an hour, log it, and then let him/her instruct you. Granted they probably won't be insured for that one hour.

BTW, Falcon insurance also works like a renter's policy. I am covered to fly ANY other plane up to the max of my policy. It also covers my hangar and it contents as well as any off airport landings. This means I can go and land on the beach if I want.
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Bill is correct. You can find an instructor at Appleton, get him qualified in your plane, and have him give you the three hours. If that doesn't work, I can fly mine to Appleton (should be less than 2 hours each way), use yours for training, and you just cover my fuel out and back plus four hours of my time. Just an option. BTW, if you google my N number, you'll see that our planes look like sister ships.
Terry, CFI

We have twin RV's!!! Amazine how much they look alike. Good advice on finding a CFI in Appleton. I'll call Mr. Rounds, the seller, and get his input on finding a local CFI. If that doesn't work out, I just may take you up on your offer to fly over. If you get a chance, give me a call. I'd love to ask you some 9A specific questions. My toll-free number is 1-866-339-4405. Thanks.
Evan Tullos
Finally Got Coverage

OK Folks:
Global Aerospace offered me coverage with a condition of 5 hours dual in a 7A or 3 hours dual in 9A. I can live with that.
Thanks to all of you that responded. The RV community is GREAT!!!!!
Look forward to being a member of the family. I'm sure I'll have tons of questions once I pick her up.


Thats who quoted me and I was planning on doing the 5 hours in a 7A - the guy that Webb usd.

Falcon/EAA Insurance

Have a 9A ready to fly, just waiting to complete my transition training this weekend. Falcon required 5 hrs in an RV. As long as it was a nose dragger and the CFI had RV time they were fine.

Carl Raichle
Lutz, FL