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I’m about to take delivery of my RV-9A at Tacoma/Narrows airport (KTIW). I am in need of a qualified CFI to conduct five hours of training to satisfy the insurance company. I would prefer to train in my plane but willing to train in CFI’s plane if required.
In the event that the CFI doesn't have a Letter of Deviation Authority so that he/she can instruct in any E-AB, you might want to get a LODA for yourself and your airplane as soon as you take possession so that he/she can instruct you in your airplane and get paid. Might make the search for a CFI easier. Took me about a week for the local FSDO to issue the LODA to me.

"Under the new LODA system, applicants can send an email to [email protected] with their name, address, email address, pilot certificate number, flight instructor number (if applying as a CFI), aircraft registration number (if applying as an owner), aircraft make and model, and aircraft home base (if applying as an owner). The request will then flow to the local FSDO, who will issue the LODA. For aircraft owned by flying clubs, ownership groups, and other shared ownership models, the entity owning the aircraft may hold the LODA rather than each individual member. Either the owner/operator of the aircraft or the instructor can have the LODA, as long as one person in the cockpit has one. LODAs issued under this system will not allow rental of the aircraft to the general public. Those LODAs, issued for transition training and other targeted operations, will continue to be issued per the guidance in FAA Order 8900.1. "

This would have no bearing on your insurance company. The instructor and the airplane that you use for that 5 hours of transition training would still have to be satisfactory to them. My insurance company was ostensibly pretty rigid about the airplane for training being the same model. IIUC, some insurance companies are less insistent about that.
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Thanks for the detailed information. Submission of the LODA was going to be the first task I completed once we close and escrow submits the registration documents. What a pain!
…..I would prefer to train in my plane but willing to train in CFI’s plane if required.

Note that if you use an airplane furnished by the CFI, then he must also hold a different LODA (first issued circa 2008?). But worse, standard insurance policies do not cover giving instruction for hire to others in the cfi’s airplane. Ask if you will be insured, and at what cost, if you go this route.
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