
Well Known Member
I am working of a RV9A project I purchased. I removed the C-702 FWD Skin clecoed to the WD-716 welded assembly and discovered that the 7/16 tube is cracked at the sixth drilled hole on the pilot side. The cracked hole is at the junction of the tube and the welded gusset.

Is there a fix or repair?

The tip up frame at this point is very floppy and I cannot yet see where the final strength will come from.

Thanks for any assistance.

Might Isuggest you take a couple pics and post and wiser men will chime in. Mine is done and while a ton of work, it turnded out great. I am at home and dont have the plans in front of me. If it is only clecoed, and truely a crack...take it off and get it welded up. A guy who knows how to weld can fix it up properly for 30 bucks. Grind it clean, prime it up, redrill another hole and get it together. All the rivets are pops and covered by epoxy if its what i think...no issue cosmetically, so ensure its strong and move on. My free opinion only...pics will get you pro feedback