
I'm New Here
Started my RV-9a project on January 6th with the opening of the box for the empennage kit. As of today I have completed the HS and have started working on the VS. So far so good. I found it very useful to build the practice kits and tool box first while I was waiting for the kit to arrive.
Scott welcome! You know this thread is worthless without pictures! :D

Yeah, Scott. At this point your supposed to find a beautiful lady to hold your horizontal stabilizer, take a picture and post it here so we can see your rivet work.:D
Welcome to VAF!

aboard the good ship VAF

Welcome to VAF! There are several builders in the area. I'm at 8D4 with a flying 7a if you ever need some motivation :D.

Here is a pic of completed HS. Is there a better way to download pics to the forum other than first uploading to another site like Imageshack? Thanks Scott
Is there a better way to download pics to the forum other than first uploading to another site like Imageshack?

This is how you have to do photos.

You might try other sites-------I like Picasa..............
Welcome, Scott! Total noob here. I just ordered a kit and am looking forward to making a toolbox (at first!).

I use Photobucket for images. Here's a pic of the rc version of the 9, just for fun:


Welcome to VAF! There are several builders in the area. I'm at 8D4 with a flying 7a if you ever need some motivation :D.

Hi Paul. Thanks for introducing yourself. Great picks of your 7a and great job on it. I'm a member of EAA 211 out of Grand Haven. Live in Hudsonville.
Scott, I'm always looking for some excuse to go flying and I'm frequently into Grand Haven. We should try to get together some nice weekend. Do you have any RV time?
Hi Paul,

I may have to take you up on that some time. No I don't have any RV time yet. I do have a little Long-ez time. Helped my boss build his Long-ez. He has been flying it now for about 5 or 6 years. That was a fun project took us about 4 years to complete the plane. He bought it partially completed. After the test period I took it up for a flight. Fun plane to fly, however a very tight fit for me at 6'2" 235lbs
