
Well Known Member
This evening a little after 1700 N908BL took to the air for the first time! After a little over 3 years building, it was a great experience.

First, thanks: To God for the opportunity and abilities, to Glenda the love of my life for her support and patience, to Larry my partner and friend for his help, to Brian my son for his help, and to my ground crew, Jim, Dave and Paul Pocock for flying chase in his -7 and the transition time in it also. Of course a big thanks to Van's for making such a great kit.

Brief report: Slightly heavy right wing and some garbled transmissions (may be the headsets.) No other squacks! I flew with everything except upper fairings on the gear legs. Takeoff was VERY quick as was climbout. Airspeeds checked right on with Paul's RV-7. Indicated 167 @ 2450 and around 2000 fpm @ 100. Had an awful time getting it slowed to land. Glad I had practiced slips in the 7. Landing was very nice, although I would liked to have bled off a little more speed. The difference in height of my eyes above the runway (RV-7 vs. RV-9A) made my flare a little low and I touched a couple seconds early. Not bad, anyway. All in all, everything is right with Van's specs.

I don't know when this will soak in, but I know I haven't landed yet. I kinda hope I never do.

And oh, yes, one final thanks--to all of you whose ideas and information have helped make N908BL the airplane that it is.

Bob Kelly

Congrats Bob,

All that pain, suffering, blood, sweat and tears of the building process is now fading into the sunset. Now the fun and change in life style have begun.

Fly safe and enjoy!!!!
Congratulations, Bob. Reports like yours keep me fired up to finish mine. What else can you tell us about your plane, avionics, engine, etc. Any pictures of the first flight?
Congratulations!! I was flying my RV8 last night and I heard somebody over the radio tell somebody "It looks beautiful!" They also mentioned a 3-bladed prop running as smooth as ever. Was this you? Anyhow, congratulations and good luck.

Darren Kerns
RV8 N214TK
Taswell, IN
Hangared at FRH
First flight

Some of the details: The plane was complete except for upper fairings and interior. With a borrowed interior it weighed in at 1054 empty (with oil of course.) I have a Dynon D10A, Trio AP and alt hold, Narco 111 VOR, XCOM 760, AF2500 engine monitor, AvMap IV GPS, KT-76 xponder, ASI, ROC and ALT. It has the CreativAir position lights and strobes. It is painted. Next stop, IFR.

The engine has 885 TTSN and is a 160hp O-320 D1A. B&C 60 amp alt, Catto 3 blade and Odyssey battery. It has what looks like now may make it almost unique--the carbon fiber canopy from the now-defunt Gamut Services. The canopy, battery and prop helped keep it light. BTW, still really happy with the canopy, if not it's maker. I really hate it that some of you may have lost money with Gamut and here I am with an orphan. Bad deal all around.

Will get some pics up soon. Had in-flight pics shot but they didn't turn out very well. Argh. Shot video of the instrument panel and am happy with that.

I took the advice of a VERY experienced A&P/IA/CFII and left the rpm lower than I actually was comfortable with. His advice; you can't stop the prop without pulling the mixtrue, so keep it low for braking. Just don't pull the throttle all the way on the ground. Good advice. Even with a 450 rpm idle when setting still, I was showing 870 on final. I found it difficult to slow down. Entering DW at 100 mph, I could have flown the pattern almost at idle. Actually pulled power turning base and was still way high. The -7 I did transition in had a CS prop and the difference is amazing.

Keep pounding those rivets!!

Bob Kelly
Probably was me

Darren Kerns said:
Congratulations!! I was flying my RV8 last night and I heard somebody over the radio tell somebody "It looks beautiful!" They also mentioned a 3-bladed prop running as smooth as ever. Was this you? Anyhow, congratulations and good luck.

Darren Kerns
RV8 N214TK
Taswell, IN
Hangared at FRH


If it was around 5:30 that probably was me. I orbited OVO for about 40 minutes. N922AJ with Paul Pocock at the controls was probably who you heard. Stop down to OVO sometime.

Way to go Bob..

I too had a heavy right wing. After rechecking everything, I found that my right flap was too high. Adjusted it and now flies better, though still a little heavy on the right side when I have a passenger.


Bigtime congrats to you, Bob. Your kind of report makes hearts beat fast in the rest of us Nine builders. I'm not located far from you at all .. I too may fly over (in a Spamcan :( ) and see your beauty one of these days.

Mahomet, IL
RV-9A QB fuse and wings
Stop by anytime!

Any of you guys who want to stop by, let me know. I am pretty free with my time and live close. OVO is a great airport! Relatively cheap gas ($3.60), loaner car and really nice folks. A little plug for our EAA chapter--we have an IFR certified simulator if you need to get current. $15/hr plus I think $30 if you need an instructor. Still have the 40 hours to do before I can leave the area (85 to 86 degrees by 39 to 40 degrees N.) Send me a PM for phone #'s, etc.

Also a plug for Tony Cecere, our AB-DAR. Good, thorough and travel costs only. Based near Franklin, IN.

Kent, will look at the flaps first. That sure would be easier than some of the options. Did check the fuel today and found I still had quite a bit more in the right tank. Plan was to take off with 6 left, 12 right, fly on the right tank only and hope they were about even when I finished. Still had more in the right as the flight was only 35 minutes and at less than 75% most of the time. Will fly with them more nearly equal before I do anything silly. Well, before I do anything silly to the airplane, anyway.

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videobobk said:
This evening a little after 1700 N908BL took to the air for the first time! After a little over 3 years building, it was a great experience.

First, thanks: To God for the opportunity and abilities, to Glenda the love of my life for her support and patience, to Larry my partner and friend for his help, to Brian my son for his help, and to my ground crew, Jim, Dave and Paul Pocock for flying chase in his -7 and the transition time in it also. Of course a big thanks to Van's for making such a great kit.

Brief report: Slightly heavy right wing and some garbled transmissions (may be the headsets.) No other squacks! I flew with everything except upper fairings on the gear legs. Takeoff was VERY quick as was climbout. Airspeeds checked right on with Paul's RV-7. Indicated 167 @ 2450 and around 2000 fpm @ 100. Had an awful time getting it slowed to land. Glad I had practiced slips in the 7. Landing was very nice, although I would liked to have bled off a little more speed. The difference in height of my eyes above the runway (RV-7 vs. RV-9A) made my flare a little low and I touched a couple seconds early. Not bad, anyway. All in all, everything is right with Van's specs.

I don't know when this will soak in, but I know I haven't landed yet. I kinda hope I never do.

And oh, yes, one final thanks--to all of you whose ideas and information have helped make N908BL the airplane that it is.

Bob Kelly

I like your priorities of thankfulness!