
Well Known Member
Hey all,

First off, thanks to Doug for putting this site together. It's been an invaluable source of knowledge. I'm not sure if the builder's manual and prints alone would have done it for me, so thanks to all the contributors as well. Lots to be learned and captured on this site.

Just wanted to introduce myself, it's been on my to do list for a while.

I purchased an RV-9A project late last year from Denver and moved it to Texas. At the time I had a condo, so it had to go the hangar. Fortunately my SO has been very cool with this - she's even taking flying lessons! I'm at Dallas Executive KRBD (aka Redbird).

The plane is in the 90% done, 90% to go phase.

Configuration how I got it:
Tip up, with rough fiberglass canopy complete and in-place
Fuel injected (overhauled bendix fuel servo from twin comanche B2B) converted O-320 E3D case/crank with new H2AD pistons, new millenium cylinders, new cam (hope this arrangement is works)
Engine mounted and on the gear
control surfaces completed
wings test mounted and spar drilled
various steam gauges
cowling started
baffles complete
vacuum pump installed
alternator installed


Now, this is what I had been searching for a while to find. The guy I got it from was very nice at helping me move the thing (more on that later), and with my repeated info requests.

what I've done:
nothing, really
disassembled panel
prepped engine for temporary storage (fogging oil in cylinders, motor oil in crankcase, and dessicant plugs for the top cylinder ports)
learning a LOT

My next big steps are:
verifying what's been done is in compliance with drwgs and plans
fiberglass wingtips, rudder, etc
running wiring
panel (if I can ever afford it)

Anyway, I'll post more soon, just wanted to introduce myself (and more importantly my project).

Here's the move from Denver - I'm in the blue shirt, Laura, and my buddy Stan from college who lives in Denver now.


That's awesome, there's a lot of work behind you already, that itself just made it a good deal. You got many a nights ahead of you looking things over and thinking about the next steps from this point. I estimate about 40 hours just doing an as-built of my QB fuse. The 90% to go stage also seems to be about 90% planning, thinking, procuring parts and only 10% actually assembling. Good luck:)
Good Luck

Tons of work, learning etc to go but worth every minute. Post questions, find some great build logs to help you look ahead and understand the next steps and enjoy it all.

Then fly till you hit tbo, then rebuilt and fly somemore!:D
Good to see another -9A being built. I'm in the last 10% phase of building. It just takes some dedication to work on it a little bit every day and keep up the momentum. Don't be afraid to ask lots of questions here and remember that the Search feature will find you 99% of the answers.
Welcome to the good ship Nine-A !!!

.... Glad to have you aboard. You're well along on an amazing journey. Building and flying your own plane is the experience of a lifetime. :)
Nice! Jump on it Chris and finish asap. You already have the motor and some pre made airframe parts, attach everything to it and go flying. Add fancy instruments later I've heard they are about to release something better and cheaper...

Remember daily you have 24 LONG hours. If it's not enough split them in half and you would have 48 short hours! :D Multiply by two (Laura's) and that 9A of yours will be ready for DAR by September 1st.
Thanks everyone for the kind words. It's good to see other 9a's and the large support community was a factor when I was thinking about purchasing.

Good advice from everyone, been busy with some house projects but ready to start getting some major progress done. Got some good motivation from a rv-7 builder this morning:

Gorgeous plane ride nicely built (thanks again Brad) - it reminded me what the end goal is. As Vlad said, there's a lot of hours in the day so hopefully start banging this thing together and get it in the air soon.
oh yeah

I started a different construction log, I found expercraft too difficult.


I like this because I can take photos with my phone and upload them straight to the blog from a computer. Nice.

Anyway, if anyone is curious what I've been up to take a look at some of the posts. I can always use a second set of eyes.

My goal is pretty lofty - I want to fly by the end of the year! Better get a move on.