
Well Known Member
Im looking to put some side pockets or other some such holders for charts, pencils etc... maybe a little center console box.
Anyone have ideas for construction or know where to items like these are sold?
My dad installed that center console in his RV-7. I fly with him all the time and I really like it. It is comfortable and it gives us room for more switches and such. The throttle on the console is really nice.


not the best shot. on the way back from OSH last year.

Welcome to VAF!

I built a map box out of 0.032 Al that is 1" high by about 6" wide and 9" deep and attached it to the bottom of the panel and the bottom of the bulkhead just forward of the panel. This is just the size for holding about half a dozen sectionals or other maps in a horizontal position. I clip a pen to the side of the box. It is positioned immediately in front of the pilot. I've been considering making another one for the co-pilot because it is so handy.

And post #6 in this thread:

shows the console/throttle quadrant I put in my 9.

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Yes. i certainly did. wow how news travels.
Great plane.. super high build quality. i've already racked up 8.3 hours in the last 2 days and love every minute.
You local to Austin?

Good Deal, man it was very hot to be flying busted the 112 degree mark. RV's are just addicting! :D I'm in Round Rock. :)
Yeah. hotter than heck and I still put on 4.2 hours; edc, hyi, 11R (poodle dresses and milk shakes...), back to HYI and then some zoomie over the lake and home to EDC... 4.2 hours of pure joy, albeit super hot and bumpy down low.

Good Deal, man it was very hot to be flying busted the 112 degree mark. RV's are just addicting! :D I'm in Round Rock. :)
reviving an old post

Does the center console make the interior feel too crammed or tight? Really like the idea, especially having the throttle in the center console.

center console

It can get kinda tight if you have thick legs, it works well if you don't fight
over the arm rest.. I have one forsale if anyone is looking.. Its the aircraft extra one pictured It has only throttle and mixture with cables excepting offers its covered with blue flightline vinyl..