
Well Known Member
I was surfing a week or so ago and came across a build site in Israel. There were some electrical drawings I emailed and asked the builder if he could send me a PDF so I could study them. I got them today with a nice note. I went back to the site and watched a video - actually a news report about his build and first flight. What an experience. Can you imaging building in Israel? I bet you make sure your GPS is accurate!

Here is a link to the video and his web site. I am very impressed - even though I didn't understand what was being said on the video. It is worth watching.
nice work!

...but his 'new & improved' photos 'baffle' me a bit.
probably due to the build and photos sequence. at first it looks like the to baffles are polished on the inside, painted white on the outside, and all the lower ones are carbon firbre! NICE>
if so, where the heck did he get those?

yeah, I wonder how they navigate around that part of the world...there might just be a NOTAM or two!
...and here I'm worried about Predators on the 49th parallel, eh?
Nice work...

...but his 'new & improved' photos 'baffle' me a bit.
probably due to the build and photos sequence. at first it looks like the to baffles are polished on the inside, painted white on the outside, and all the lower ones are carbon firbre! NICE>
if so, where the heck did he get those?

yeah, I wonder how they navigate around that part of the world...there might just be a NOTAM or two!
...and here I'm worried about Predators on the 49th parallel, eh?

It looks like he build standard baffle build. After which it looks that he used the forward half of the baffle build to create carbon fiber versions. Not sure what the benefit would be, but they look nice (not sharp corners).
Both the back (aluminum) and front (carbon) have been painted white on both the inside and outside.

nice work, nice guy!

Tal is a good friend; I'll ask him. I'm guessing he built the carbon fiber fronts but not sure what problem(s) he was trying to solve and how they've worked out.

He came over and did his transition training in my 9A (the New Mexico footage in that news video). He is amazed that we can just "get in our plane and go flying". I haven't gotten over to Israel to go flying with him yet, but when I do, I'm sure I'll have a whole new appreciation for what he has to go through just to be able to fly.
That is pretty cool you did his transition training. He was very considerate to send me the drawings I asked for. They are great and since electrical is not my strong point, a huge help.

I can't imagine trying to fly in Israel. In two minutes you could be somewhere you do not want to be and serious trouble.

When I get finished with my 9A, I may be contacting you for some training. Glad to know you offer that service.

Thanks, and if you hear from Tal, let him know I said thanks!
Actually, all I did was loan him my airplane. My instructor got to go flying with him. :D Glad to help out a fellow builder.

I'll let Tal know that you said thanks!
Got a note back from Tal...

they used the rear portions from Vans and built the fronts out of carbon fibre just as you had suggested. He still has the molds fwiw.

Not sure why he spent the time building them, but they sure look cool. I guess we're all a little guilty of things like that on our builds. ;)

That's a nice airplane with only 52 hours on the meter. In Israel, you don't have a choice of where you keep your plane... you submit your request and you're assigned an airport. Tal's is far enough away that it takes him about a week to make all the arrangements to go fly. Yuk. Doesn't sound like fun to me!
Hallo from Israel

Dear Russ rockwood Perry Y. Kent
Thank you very much for the warm words and support.
Yes, our 9'er is one of a kind in Israel, all together we have only 3 flying RV's
and a few more in constructions process. flying in Israel is very different from flying in the USA.
All the airspace is controlled 24/7 from 500' and up, you can't just start your engine and go fly ? you need the call and arrange the flight route in advance
We have routs to take us from one airfield to other, its not a total freedom like you have in USA, but flying is flying ? especially in our case, the (crazy) home builders.
About the engine baffles, you're all right, the back part is made from vans original parts that came with the FF kit, the front side was designed by us and made by two professional composite materials guys, we made molds, so we can produce more and more, we can do it from carbon Kevlar or glass fiber.
We have a lot of aviation standard documents, pilot hand book, flight procedures and drawings that we can share with you, write us email and we will send you all of them.
Gentlemen, I would like share our appreciation on Russ, for any reason I can't think about an option to give our "bird" to a stranger, but Russ did it !!! and didn't want to charge a penny.
He was hosting me all week long with his lovely wife and made me feel like home.
Russ thank you again for everything you did for us :eek:
Take a look on this video, it?s the local LSA club in north trip in Israel
Kol hakavod!

Hi Tal,

Just wanted to say congratulations on your first flight! Looks like you did a beautiful job on your airplane. And it's always great to hear about experimental aviation back home in Israel. Kol hakavod, ve'behatzlacha!

BTW, I'm building southern California's first "Israeli" RV, as far as I know ;). Next time you come out in this direction, get in touch, drop by for a visit!


Hi Tal,

Looks like all the flying in the video was below 500'. Do you have the freedom to fly as you like below that altitude?

Roee & Pierre

Wow wow, I was surfing in you website, your project looks very professional
I looked on your canopy Latch and learn allot ... I'm sorry I didn't know you 3 years ago ...;)

I'm traveling to USA quite allot be sure I will come to visit you soon

Yes the LSA are flying below 500' and have some freedom down there,
They can't however cross GA CTR's unless they coordinate in advance

I just watched the new video. It was cool seeing Israel at 500' or less. It is not how I imagined it at all. Thanks for posting it.

A couple things I noticed - that was a pretty bumpy runway and I am guessing, but the reason for no tail dragging planes must be because there would be too many people chopped up when they are walking on the runway when you are taking off and landing! I was wondering who was going to give when you were playing "chicken" with the ultralight when parking!

I am impressed with the number of pilots who love flying so much they are willing to stay under 500' or fill out the papers and wait for clearance on a direct route between airports. I can sure see the advantage of a 9, 12, or Kitfox type of plane in Israel. They fit the mission profile for most of the flights.