
Well Known Member
Ever wonder if a 9A is capable in tight, parade formation with 8's, 7's, 6's and 4's? I did...and now I don't. I attended the Falcon Flight's formation clinic in Gainsville, TX this weekend. The Grand Experiment as I called it was an unbelievable experience and a huge success. Saturday I got a training ride in an RV4, then I drove in my nine accompanied with a safety right-seater. It went so well I was signed off solo, and then two three-ship training flights solo.

With my 9A in the group (160HP Lyc 0-320 and 3 blade fixed pitch Catto prop), Lead had to fly with less power than with a 9-less group. I believe we stayed between 120 to 140 knots indicated. But with none of the maneuvers requiring more than 2Gs, and the steady platform that the nine can be, she proved to be a perfect ship for it.

Kahuna tells me that the pitch-up formation break we did during the final demonstration (that I observed from the right seat of Jarhead's 6) was a 2G maneuver, but I'll have to get some "confirmation" on that one. Whew. The pitch outs I performed in my nine during the training flights (level pitchout from echelon formation) were definitely 2G maneuvers. Dynon's G-meter tells me so.

Now all you 9 drivers get some formation training, earn your cards, and we'll form a 9 demonstration team. Needless to say, I'm hooked, and looking forward to the next clinic and more practice with some of the local guys.

Many thanks to Stu 'Falcon' McCurdy for sponsoring and organizing the clinic, to Kahuna for the great ground school, for Subob for taking it easy on me as Lead, Jarhead for the great ride as #4 during the demonstration, Sam Butler and Checker for the coaching and encouragment and everyone else who attended. It was great.

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nice write up fiddler. I'm in the CAF and I've always wanted to sit in on their 2 1/2 day TRARON. always working.

How about this?

From: "Dan Checkoway" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon Nov 21, 2005 2:08 pm
Subject: Formation Ground School - Saturday Dec 10, 2005 dcheckoway

***** Formation Ground School *****
Saturday, December 10, 2005
8:30am - 1:00pm
Hangar K-10 at Chino Airport
Cost: FREE

This one-morning class will review the T-34 manual and the RV supplement.
Even though it will focus on FFI standards, it is *not* just for those who
want to get their FFI cards. There is a lot to be learned even if you're
just a "casual" formation pilot (that is an oxymoron, by the way). There is
a reason the T-34 standard is still used -- it works! You are guaranteed to
pick up some good techniques regardless of your skill level or goals, and
the techniques we'll teach you will make you a safer pilot.

All are welcome. Please RSVP to me directly: [email protected]

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D