
Well Known Member
I need some help. I live on Marco Island. I am 70. I have PP, INST, COMM, MULTI! but have not flown in 15 years. Have built FFR Cobra and Glen-L wooden boat in retirement, but now I have been bitten by the flying bug again hard out of the blue and want to build a plane. I ordered all of the info packs from Sonex, Zenith and Vans. I studied them intensely as well as lots of internet study and phone calls to builders. I attended Sonex build school three weeks ago. Flew the plane. Wonderful, professional people, but plane will not meet my mission requirements. Then concentrated on Zodiac CH-650, frankly, because the very desirable Vans products seemed too expensive and perhaps too difficult for me to build. The 650 seemed to be a great compromise for me, but further intense research brought me back to the Vans RV-9A. I am simply going to bite the bullet and build the correct aircraft for my well considered mission.

THE ISSUE: I really need to see and touch a real RV-9A before pulling the trigger. I need to talk to that builder one to one about his same dream and fulfillment. (The builders that I have talked to AND the Vans factory all tell me this.) if I can mooch a demo flight, wow!, all the better....and I can trade you for a drive of my Cobra around town if you like. Can anyone who has built a flying RV-9A in SW Florida (or anywhere within a day's drive) help me out? I would be extremely appreciative, I assure you. THANKS!

John Putnam 239-777-2555
You might consider the RV12 also, loose a bit of speed but has a lot of other nice things about it as well as 1/2 the build time about.

I am sure you will be happy no matter what.
Thanks for your reply. I considered the very nice RV-12, but it is still a LSA and really doesn't give me the cross country performance that I desire. I am pretty convinced that the RV-9A is for me. I hope to find out soon.

Thanks again though.
Welcome to VAF!

John, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

For cross country, it is hard to beat the RV 9, fast and efficient.
I know that there are some RV's in Venice, and a good number here in the Tampa Bay area, especially KZPH and plenty more around central Florida. I had my first ride in a 9 at Peter O Knight; that plane is for sale now I believe. I am sure you will get some offers here shortly. I'm about a year away from flying or I would offer!

John, it's great to see you here on VAF! :)

Folks, I have been corresponding with John for a little while via emails, and I can tell you, he's one of us. He's a heck of a nice guy. I would encourage anyone near him to consider reaching out and offering him a chance to see your RV, and take him up for a demo ride. It's a chance to give something back. I invited him to come see my nearly-finished 7A, but I'm on the other side of the continent! I hope someone can help him out. You won't be sorry. :)
RV's in Fla

Drive to Sebring on any Wed morning @ 0800 lots of RV talk and viewing, maybe even a ride. RV-9A=good choice, if you have a medical.
Bruce, you are too kind!

I will head to Sebring ASAP.

Ooops, it is three hours north. Gonna have to plan this out. Thinking that I will leave here at 5 am next Wednesday in my Cobra (good opportunity to drive it a little) and get there by 8. Very excited! If all goes well, I'll be ordering my RV-9A next week. (Reading posts on this forum like crazy.)
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Bruce, you are too kind!

I will head to Sebring ASAP.

Ooops, it is three hours north. Gonna have to plan this out.

i flew out to there and found 33 other rv's there!
here is 7 of us flying to Sebring

they are there at 0800 on the dot. they all leave 0900 we are the last to leave
john, cant help you with a 9a but I have my 4 up at FMY. Im doing some work on it right now, but when its done i can run on down to marco. would love to see your cobra since im thinking of building one.

bob burns
RV-4 N82RB
cross country

the 9A is an excellent cross county machine.

click my last track. I had a good tail wind.

600 nm, 25 gallon burned. two aboard. winds 22 kt gusting to 37 kt right down the runway on takeoff, taxi not a problem. helicopter style takeoff.
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email me if you wish to ask questions.
I am about your age and am in the final stages of finishing a RV9A. It is a test of perserverence for sure. But do-able. I did most of it alone.
Nearby other builders would be a great help. I found this forum to be great help and a value.

[email protected]
At age 59 I told my wife I wanted to build a 9A. She said, "Well, don't wait until you are 70." I ordered it the next day and have been flying it since '07. I am 71 now, and wouldn't hesitate to start another project right now. The 9A is THE XC two-seater in the line. You will love the way it flies. BTW, I wouldn't fly a 10 unless you want to get hooked on 4 seats and a lot more gas.

That said, don't count the 12 short. I fly both regularly and the only real difference is speed. Handling is very similar, and range is plenty on the 12, if you have the extra time. View and comfort are better in the 12, IMHO. It does build in a much shorter time.

I finished my RV-9A in 2006. (great aircraft) I got a ride in a RV12 in 2011 (very impressed). I got tired of watching TV and playing with the computer so I told my bride that I thought I would build another airplane. She said to go ahead so I called Vans and ordered a RV12 kit. Now I really like my RV- 12, but I love the 9A. I am 78.75 years old an would like to build RV-!4 but I guess I had better think again. I have three planes now and maybe that is enough.

I plan to be in your area the 2nd week in January. If you're still looking for a demo ride I'll be happy to stop by.

You Vans guys are the greatest I swear. I used several forums when I built my Cobra as well a Glen-L wooden boat and they were great, but the level of enthusiasm on this forum overwhelms me. Just unbelievable.

I have moved up my project considerably mostly due to the responses that I have received here, especially private emails. I am looking at a well documented partial construction in the next few weeks and if it is as good as told to me, I am getting a much earlier start than I expected.

I had one forum member and RV-9A owner stop by my house yesterday (let him take the Cobra out for a ride) and we talked 9A for an hour or two. I couldn't be more convinced that it is the right plane for me. I am going to Sebring very early next Wednesday to see many (hopefully) RVs.

The bad news is that my life is going to go on hold for the next two or three years while I devour this new project! My reading will likely consist of plans and forum. Oh well......too bad.

Thanks to all of you!

Welcome to VAF. There is a Russian Ambassador from the Northern region that travels the continent in his RV-9A. It would not surprise me if he ends up on your door step to convince you to take a ride with him. Beware however that he looks for cheap autopilot labor and requires multiple meals and snacks before he departs an area.
An offer of a spare bedroom overnight is very enticing to Ambassador Vlad.
Good luck with your decision. You will enjoy the plane.
Pat Garboden
Katy, TX
RV9A. N942PT

Dues paid
You might want to consider a QB

Hello John a Canuck here from the great white northern brotheren. You might want to consider the Quickbuild kits. More expensive but I have ordered and received my fuselage after building the slow build wings and empennage and it really advances the build.

I am building an RV7 but in retrospect as my mission is largely cross country I believe the RV 9 would have been better suited.

Good luck
Quickbuild is a great investment ..

I went the QB route when I started my build at age 58 ... I knew I would want to fly it ASAP. The hours saved via QB got me in the air that much sooner. As the old joke goes, "Heck, at my age I don't buy green bananas anymore."

My 9A is every bit the plane I hoped it would be. EVERY time I fly it, it brings a smile to my face. As so many 9A builders told me, "You will LOVE that airplane."
Hey John,

Perhaps the most difficult task of building an RV is learning how to post a picture on this website:p. It's kind of a rite of passage.

So, to get some practice, I suggest you post a picture of your FF1 Cobra for all of us to enjoy. Besides, I've been thinking about building one and need some inspiration.

Good luck with the 9A!

Alright, you made it look easy.

That is one beautiful car! Thanks for posting the picture.

Best of luck with your 9A. Let me know if I can ever be of any help.

Final note:

Went to Sebring today. Started out on motorcycle at 5 AM!

Saw about 20 planes. Met lots of pilots and builders. Admired the planes.

Came away more convinced than ever that I am building the RV-9A. Watched them all land and take off. Beautiful planes with great flight characteristics.

Also think that I decided on the tip up because of the terrific view. I guess that I'll just have to forget about looking cool and I'll have to carry an axe in the cockpit!
No, but they were all very engaged and they were kind enough to answer all of my many questions......AND I met the man who designed the F-15 who told me his story with some small detail and that alone was worth the ride up there. I had read John Boyd's biography and was familiar with the story.

I have made up my mind to build the 9a and I will start the process in a matter of a few weeks. Already researching building the work bench, moving one car outside wiith cover, purchasing additional necessary tools (small air compressor, etc.), making storage space for parts and hardware. Got to get organized!

Actually waiting to hear about the possible purchase of a partially completed 9a kit that may be available, but one way or another I will be into the build process soon.

Thanks for your interest......and if any of you wish to see or even drive my Cobra, you are most welcome to. One builder has already stopped by to drive it and is bringing his wife by to ride in it. He wants to build one for himself. I thought about building another, but the dream is the 9a! Can't wait!
Winter Haven Fly In


If you can make it up to Winter Haven on Saturday, they're hosting their annual Fly In at Gilbert Field (KGIF).
Realize it's a bit of a hike for you from Marco but I think you'll enjoy seeing the number of RV's that show up. Usually more than you saw at Sebring.
Let me know if you go so we can say hello!
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What time do they gather? How long are they there?

It is a three hour drive for me.

Minnesota Gopher game (against Ohio State....big one) is on at noon, but I can tape it.