
Well Known Member
Just put together a spreadsheet for my -9A, with the cg expressed in % MAC. I suspect I've got an error somewhere, because as long as the weights are within bounds (75 lb baggage), the spreadsheet says that I can't load the plane out of the "utility category" envelope.

Do I need to keep looking for an error in the spreadsheet, or is the cg envelope really that usable?

That sounds about right, at least for my -9. I used a 4# crush plate which allows me to carry 100# in baggage area and still be within c.g. in almost any realistic configuration, but I suspect if I would have been willing to give up that extra 25# of baggage I could have done it without the crush plate.
I gave myself an extra 50 pounds of gross weight and I can't realistically get it out of balance unless the pilot weighs nothing, with minimum fuel and full baggage (100 pounds).
I can't find any realistic way to get out of CG either, as long as I am in the plane - I can take up to 100lbs baggage. I have an O-320 at metal Sensi FP prop.

This is what I found as well. It's not necessarily a mistake in your numbers. For my plane, as long as there's a pilot (even a young kid) and enough gas to get off the ground, I can load out the remainder of the gross weight any way I want and not worry about CG being out of the envelope. Yours may vary of course, but what you're finding isn't uncommon.
Wide range

Similar results on my 9A, FP, IO-320.

I used a spreadsheet to calculate W&B for numerous scenarios prior to DAR visit:
- Couldn't exceed aft C.G even with bingo fuel and aircraft at 1,750 gross with pilots and baggage (I placarded for 100# limit).
- Light pilot solo and low fuel would be enough to exceed forward C.G limit.
- Flown solo and full fuel needs a few pounds in baggage area to prevent exceeding the nose wheel limit.

Love my RV!
While we are on the subject of W & B, I was curious, has anyone ever PUT 100 lbs. of weight in the back of an RV-9 or -9A?

And as always, thanks for the replies.
While we are on the subject of W & B, I was curious, has anyone ever PUT 100 lbs. of weight in the back of an RV-9 or -9A?

And as always, thanks for the replies.

I was quite close to it going to Oshkosh last year.
I put four 25 pound bags of gravel back there during Phase 1. Be gentle in the flare! :)
While we are on the subject of W & B, I was curious, has anyone ever PUT 100 lbs. of weight in the back of an RV-9 or -9A?

And as always, thanks for the replies.

I put 200 lb. of me back there when I'm doing the condition inspection! I throw a sheet of 3/4" plywood in there to stand on, to better spread out the load.

My 9A is pretty light up front, with a Catto FP prop and the light SkyTech starter. Even so, with nearly empty tanks (2 gal. total) and two 200-lb. souls, I can use 90 lb. of the 100-lb. baggage capacity. If the starter ever fries itself, I'll buy a heavier one!

Heavy stuff toward the front of the compartment is always a good idea.