
Well Known Member
Smokey, the RV-9A that was inundated with soot and corrosive gas from a fire in a nearby hangar, is flying again. But there are AOG avionics bugs to address. I’m hoping to fly from Savannah, GA, to Lakeland, FL, on Tuesday for the NAFI Summit, but…

The chronology below is best as I remember, and I don’t want to cast aspersions on anybody as I don’t know exactly who did what when (some of this might have been me!), but here’s what I think was going on.

Everything was working fine before the fire, before the GTN and the transponder were sent to Garmin for soot removal after the fire.

On the first flight post-fire, the two G3X Touch screens had been swapped left and right by the maintenance shop. But that first flight was only two trips around the pattern, and swapping the screens back was an easy fix. There was also an error message, “Not receiving data on ARINC 429 channel 2.” I hoped that would go away with the screen swap.

Today’s flight was to a nearby airport to get gas, and to fly approaches to validate the avionics.

Problem 1. Mode C inoperative. There is valid ADHRS data with the G5 backup turned off, so the ADHRS unit is not the problem. Transponder Mode A seems to work. The transponder is wired to get altitude data on a dedicated serial line from the ADHRS. The transponder is not on the CANbus. ADS-B in shows relative altitudes, and those appear to be correct. I don’t know if any settings in the transponder were changed by Garmin. ATC did not comment on lack of Mode C during that short first flight in the pattern, but their radar is not necessarily all that good. Seems to me that there’s good data in the G3X Touch system, so the problem might be transponder bent pins, or something in the transponder got reset and they didn’t tell me, or wire damage, or…

Problem 2. ARINC channel 2 bug is still there. Fortunately, I have a listing of all the avionics settings. The only discrepancy I found was on the GTN650, ARINC 429 Out, the setting for ARINC 429 out 1 (yes, one) was set to Garmin 429. According to my notes, it used to be / should have been GAMA Format 1. It’s possible that this was a Garmin-recommended change that didn’t make it into my notes. Otherwise, all the ARINC 429 settings agree with my notes. And I’ve not yet steeled myself for battling the installation manual to double check the setting…

Problem 3 (solved). Somehow, the GTN Default Nav screen settings were completely changed. That was easy enough to fix, and I found that I could put a link to the VNAV page there as otherwise VNAV is a pain to drill down to in order to change. Only a slight hassle to find in the manual where to fix that, and with the VNAV link visible, this is an improvement.

So… no Mode C, no fly. And the rules for flying without ADS-B out are draconian, and it’s a pain to get a ferry permit to the radio shop.

ARINC bug? Apparently not serious, as, according to my notes, there’s no data sent on that channel, anyway. Curious, though…

Anybody got any ideas? Thanks in advance!
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Without the schematic it would be hard t give you advice. My guess is it is just a configuration issue with either the 330 or the 650. could you post a schematic?
Configuration Module (CM)

It's curious that swapping the G3X screens changed your configuration. With an installation per the manual, the CM should be located within the backshell of your PFD connector, so it should be irrelevant which screen is connected there. You should be able to replace a screen with a new one out of the box and the connector should maintain your configuration. The same is true for your GTN650, where the CM is also housed in the backshell.

Assuming no physical damage to the harnesses, then it could be a configuration issue, but it doesn't make sense that swapping screens would change anything unless there is a connector (one or more pins) damaged, which can happen with the removal and reinsertion of connectors - I'd check that first.

Another potential item is that the CM itself is damaged, in which case I wouldn't think any configuration would be kept, although if that is the case, replacing it is relatively easy.

Happy hunting....
As stated above, if the displays in a G3X system are swapped, no important configuration data will be affected, since it is stored in the config module that lives in the PFD1 wiring harness. A missing or inoperative config module will also be detected and displayed as a fault indication.

In the scenario of swapped displays, some user-accessible preferences may be affected, but this is trivial to correct.

In my experience, a Garmin product returned from factory service is likely to have some or all of its settings changed or reset to factory defaults. It sounds to me like this needs to be checked for the transponder and navigator.

Bent pins are also a possibility, but I would check the configuration settings against the schematic first.
As stated above, if the displays in a G3X system are swapped, no important configuration data will be affected, since it is stored in the config module that lives in the PFD1 wiring harness.

The config module stayed with its G3X screen, not the wiring harness, so it went to the other side.
The config module stayed with its G3X screen, not the wiring harness, so it went to the other side.

If you really removed the config module from the PFD1 wiring harness (why?) and connected it to the MFD wiring harness (??) then your system would be showing fault indications, as the config module should be connected to the PFD1 display only.
The config module stayed with its G3X screen, not the wiring harness, so it went to the other side.

Why would you do this? That defeats the purpose of the config module. The config module should stay in its respective connection housing.
The config module stayed with its G3X screen, not the wiring harness, so it went to the other side.

That is practically impossible as the CM is embedded in the wire harness backshell. So you would either have to swap the harnesses between PFD and MFD by stretching and moving the wire harness wires to physically relocate the connectors, or by physically disassembling the DSub on the PFD to remove the CM by extracting it's pins from the PFD Dsub and prying the CM from it's two-sided foam mounting tape after heating. And then re-doing this work in reverse to install the CM and it's pins into the MFD Dsub connector with new mounting tape. All highly unlikely. The whole CM concept is predicated on the CM staying imbedded in one connector on the harness and never moved. Otherwise its purpose is undermined.

As for the transponder it sounds like Garmin reset the configuration and possibly updated your firmware. I will assume you have a GTX 327 or GTX 32 Mode C transponder since you are talking about Mode C transmitting. More than likely the factory default setting in the transponder for the serial channel connected to your digital AHRS is not set up for digital altitude encoder data, which I believe would be a proper setting of ICARUS for that transponder serial port. For a GTX 327/32 I always use pins number 19 and 25 for digital altitude input, which are RS232 RX 1 and Serial Signal Ground, respectively. You might also be getting serial altitude data in from the G5 which is also very common but the port setting in the transponder should be set the same ICARUS setting as a AHRS input signal. Attached is a snipette I took of a similar installation schematic I made a couple of years back showing the serial altitude source connection at the transponder pins on top, which in this case is a TranCal digital encoder. This sample schematic also shows a configuration module connection to a GNC 355 in the middle, which is the same type of installation on a GTN where the CM chip is installed in the connector backshell with very small wires pinned in the connector. I will also attach an image of the CM physically mounted in the connector photographed by Bob Markert.


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In fact, I will show the link to Bob's excellent Kitplanes article fully explaining the configuration module and how to record it's setting prior to maintenance. I usually just take photos of the configuration pages with my smart phone for both the GDU and the GTN prior to messing with things.

Screen swap issue closed

After the first screen swap, when I pressed MENU MENU on the left screen, it showed the limited number of options in the same way that it did when that screen was the MFD on the right side. With the screens swapped back, everything is normal. I did not completely document everything.

I did not swap the screens neither the first nor second time, and things are working now, so I consider the screen swap issue closed.