ron sterba

Well Known Member
Need a little direction on running my Safe Air AOA and Pitot tubes thru wing of my RV9A. I have my bushings in place on the lower part of the wing ribs so sag should not be a issue with the tubes running thru the ribs. Since I have one round 2 1/8" airspeed gauge and two Skyviews. My ADAHRS is behind the bagage compartment, as is my static port.When my AOA and pitot tubes cross into my fuselage from the wing, I need a static and the pitot tubing to go thru the wing spar and traveling up to the airspeed indicator. Hers where I need direction.......... My bushing holes thru the wing spar are filled with wires near the bolts that mpunt my wing to the spar. How did you get your tubes thru the spar???? Did you drill another hole or should i reroute my wires and bring the tubes back thru those bushings i pulled the wires out of ??.... I know I have to install two tees, one for the static tube near the ADAHRS heading to the airspeed indicator, and the other at the wing root for the pitot going to the airspeed indicator. At least thats my thinking. Appreciate the help!

Ron in Oregon Rv9A
Haven't run my tubes yet Rob, but I'm at the point of all the planning. Other threads I've found say that you'll have to pull the wires. Supposedly, by what I can tell from the majority of other threads, the spar hole nearest the wing mounts is for the pitot (and AOA?). The center holes in the tunnel is for wiring.
Drill another hole in the wing spar. i called Van and they said it would be ok to do.
Dave 7A
Thanks Dave! That's a relief. Wish 9a had tunnel for these new things like the RV14 has. Much appreciate.

Ron in oregon