
I'm New Here
Hello everyone!

I've been a lurker for a few years, started lurking when I got my PPL in 2012 at Southern Illinois University.... now I've got the full gambit from SIU; CPL-IFR, etc.... but I work as a web developer full time... naturally, right?

Anyways! The reason I decided to finally make an account is that I'm getting really close to the point in my life of actually starting on a kit. I'm pretty on the fence between the 9A and the 10, pretty heavily leaning on the side of the 10 as I like to take friends with me when I fly! Was wondering if there was anyone within 100 miles or so of Carbondale, IL that would let me come gander at your build? Would love to see it, in progress or flying, just to get a better grasp on what I'm actually trying to attain!

And before everyone jumps on me about checking out my local EAA group, I've tried! They meet on Mondays and I have had a long-term commitment on Mondays that's never gonna change!

Hey Kyle, looks like the welcome wagon completely missed you somehow. So, on behalf of the great Mike Starkey, Welcome to VAF!

I have a 9A in Wichita and would be glad to take you for a ride if we ever find ourselves in the same place at the same time. Having also flown in a friend's 10, I can say both are great machines and will suit you well.

Think about the kind of flying you do most often. For me, sometimes I'd love to have the room to take passengers or really load up the baggage, but that 10% scenario was hard to justify. Most of the time it's just my wife and I going cross-country, so the 9A fit really well.

Let us know what you decide!
I have considered my own flying habits, and the majority of time I fly, I fly with friends. Maybe 1 out of 10 or 12 flights I'm solo or less than 3 SOB. That being said, that's majorly because renting is so stupid expensive that I can only afford is as a treat to myself and friends share the load! The kind of flying I WANT to do would be about 50/50 solo/full load. I'd really have to see a 9A and compare the cockpit size to me (I'm not a small man! 6'2" and a handful over 250 ;) )
I pondered the 9 vs 10 question a LOT before I ordered my kit. The two big issues for me were a) mission, and b) investment level. In the end I decided I did not want to have the significantly increased $$ tied up in a 10. Could I "afford" a 10? Sure. But did I want that much investment in a non-business, largely recreation vehicle? No.
I understand many others would look at the decision very differently .... and that's what makes the world go 'round. :)
I think I've fairly well decided on an RV-10. It's basically everything I'd want in a plane besides a turbine ;)
I have considered my own flying habits, and the majority of time I fly, I fly with friends. Maybe 1 out of 10 or 12 flights I'm solo or less than 3 SOB. That being said, that's majorly because renting is so stupid expensive that I can only afford is as a treat to myself and friends share the load! The kind of flying I WANT to do would be about 50/50 solo/full load. I'd really have to see a 9A and compare the cockpit size to me (I'm not a small man! 6'2" and a handful over 250 ;) )

I built a -10, and, for me, it was definitely the right choice. And I loved the build experience. Now the bad news:
1. Build because you like building. If you don't like it you'll be sentencing yourself to years of hard labor! Buy a completed one instead.
2. Unless you think you'll be flying hundreds of hours a year, it's cheaper to rent. Don't fool yourself to think otherwise.
Good news:
1. It's yours. Go flying when you want, no advance reservations needed.
2. It's fun. Performance unlike any normally certified airplane. Build it to suit your needs.
3. Did I mention that it's fun?
There are a couple flying 10s and one under construction at KALN. I have a 6A, and there are a couple of 9As, a couple of 12s, another 6A and a 4. Great restaurant on the field too. Come on up.
EAA Breakfast in Carbondale 3/18

EAA Chapter 277 based in Carbondale has a breakfast meeting at Golden Coral east of Carbondale at 0900 on Saturday 3/18/17.

We have a couple of RV-7 builders with a couple of them flying as well as at least one RV-10 flying. These guys usually show up for the monthly breakfast, so you may get some good intel if you show up. We need some young blood in the chapter. I'm getting tired of my wife referring to us as the old farts all the time.

I know this is late notice for you, so if you miss this one, message me and I'll help you get in touch with the local RV guys.

Several of us have time at SIU and our monthly meeting is at KMDH on second monday each month in room 146.
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