
Well Known Member
Hey everybody, I am going to need a set of wing stands for my 9 in the next month or so. I can easily build them but with all the RV's in the Seattle area I thought I would ask if anybody has a set they would be willing to part with.
RV-9 Wing Stand

I have a wing stand on locking wheels that supports the wings side by side in a carpeted cradle. My RV-9A is just about ready for the FAA phase one certification and I offered the stand here locally, but no takers. Now I'm considering dismantling it to get it out of my way. You're welcome to it, however I'm down here in the Eureka, CA. area, probably a little too far to come for an item like this even though it's free. If interested, send me an email and I'll send back a picture. [email protected]
RV-9 Wing stand

Thanks so much for the offer but I think it would cost me more to drive down there and pick it up than it would to just build it. I do get down to the Portland/Salem area frequently so if you find yourself headed that far north someday soon let me know and maybe I could meet you.
