
On drawing 11, between grid F/G-1, on the shown back side of the main spar at the root, there are 3 K1000-3 platenuts depicted, but I can't find where the installation is directed in the instructions. I would imagine they should go on prior to riveting the ribs in place. Additionally, the two rivets closest to the doubler (top most and bottom most rivet in drawing 11 are really close to the doubler such that I can't get a rivet gun in place.

I'm guessing the installation method is to use a bucking bar on both sides of the rivet with the gun pounding on a bucking bar. Any other suggestions?

Also would like to know what the platenuts hold in place.

Patrick these platenuts are holding fuel tank Z-brackets and it's better to do them early. But it's a little catch here because you need to match drill the bracket through them. Look at the DWG 12. To rivet in close quarters is a matter of improvisation :) I forgot how I did mine. Digging the instructions and archives...
I put the platenuts on while I was doing all of the rest of them on the spar. When it came time to match drill the Z-brackets for the tanks, I just used a smaller drill bit to go through the platenut and created a small pilot hole. I enlarged these holes later on the drill press.
You can work around it, but it is better to wait.
I remember questioning why these platenuts were not installed earlier when I was at this point. Here is a photo of mine:

I used the flush riveter for the inner rivets that were easy to get to. I used my back riveter for the rivets up against the spar reinforcement bars. I had to grind some of the nylon off one side of the back riveter to allow it to center over those rivets.
value of vansairforce

I have nothing to add except I'm at the same stage in my wing build and also wondering about the same questions. What a great place to find information you won't find in the build plans.

Thanks a bunch!:)
3 wing root platenuts in instructions

I too was watching for the instruction callout for the installation of these platenuts and found that they are included with the fuel tank z bracket platenut installation details. I installed with a back riveter and a tape padded tungsten bar.