
Active Member
I'm about to drop the financial bomb and order the engine kit for our RV-9. I'm curious if any RV driver out there would be willing to offer some guidance and transition training, tailwheel preferred. Located in northern Indiana, just west of South Bend.

How much TW time do you have? I had a little over a hundred and fifty when I started my project but tried to keep current by flying a Decathlon with a local instructor for an hour a month +/-.

Two weeks prior to my first flight a friend gave me four hours in the right seat of his -6 and that was more than I needed to feel comfortable in the -9.

If lived close by, I would be more than willing to give you a ride but I'm not a CFI so that may not help you any.
I did my transition for my 9A in a 7. If you can fly the 7, I'm sure you will be comfortable in the 9. Biggest difference is that his 7 has a CS. I can give you some right seat in the 9A to get a feel for the difference and I have the Catto. I think the same guy would be willing, but I can't speak for him. He is a CFI in Columbus, IN, not all that far really. I got a bi-annual while I was at it and it was quite reasonable. I can PM you a name, or call me. 812 392-2860.

BTW, the 7 was the easiest TD I ever landed.

Bob Kelly
Thanks for the replies gentlemen. I currently have approximately 40 hours or so in an Aeronca L-3. Half of my tri-gear time has been in Cessna 150's and 172's with the other half spent flying a Beechcraft Debonair. I guess my main concern is the -9's handling ability while on the ground. I understand it to be very easy and forgiving, but I would like real-time experience before my first flight.
Bob, since your "in the neighborhood", so to speak, I may take you up on the offer. If you can PM me the gentleman's name and number in Columbus I would be very grateful.
Thanks again.