
Well Known Member
Is there any reason that the boarding steps for RV-9A couldn't / shouldn't be installed on the RV-9? The kit that we bought started life as a -9A and already has the holes drilled in the fuselage for the steps to be mounted. We converted it to a -9. I'd like to put the steps on anyway to make it easier to get up on the wing - for kids, ladies, and old men!

Any problems?
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No problem at all.

Several people have put the steps on tail draggers. The older we get, the higher off the ground the wings get.
I finally put steps on my -6 although I didn't use Van's. My steps come straight out of the fuselage at the trailing edge of the flaps. They are simpler, lighter and less drag.

I did not put the steps on my -9 but after 140 hours I could see they would be nice. If the holes are already there I would install them.

Cam converted his -9A to a -9 and left the steps in place and is very happy with them.