
Active Member
Hi List
Why is it that I can't seem to find many pics of the RV-9 that I'm starting to build. I've seen lots of others on various sites. sure would like to find some nice shots for my shop and computer so I can dream of what mine will look like.
Here's a great pic for you

This is my buddy Bruce's RV-9 awaiting to take off on a mission.

Hi List
Why is it that I can't seem to find many pics of the RV-9 that I'm starting to build. I've seen lots of others on various sites. sure would like to find some nice shots for my shop and computer so I can dream of what mine will look like.
Maybe because there are so few RV-9's flying. At this point there might be all of 20 in the air. Van's once told me the RV-9 was a waste of engineering effort as so few have been sold. :confused:

Feel free to pick any pictures you want off my web site and good luck getting your -9 in the air.
sent you an email with my 9A. Can't seem to post on this site.

Funny thing when I talked to Vans befor I started building they told me the 9 was the pick of the litter when it came to going to a big fly-in like Oshkosh
copied from vans site.
As of March 28, 2008 5,632 RV aircraft have been
completed and flown!
Listed by Model
RV-3 255
RV-4 1257
RV-6/6A 2259
RV-7/7A 578
RV-8/8A 782
RV-9/9A 375**** lots of them
RV-10 124
RV-12 2
Maybe because there are so few RV-9's flying. At this point there might be all of 20 in the air. Van's once told me the RV-9 was a waste of engineering effort as so few have been sold.

Wow! That's a shocker! It really is hard to determine the real RV-9 activity, out of the RV-9/9A category. It would be nice to get a survey going with that question. Perhaps we could get a better picture if we knew how many were flying; how many were in progress; and how many folks out there were leaning towards the nine for their next project. I'm not sure how to do that, but I sure would like to know, since I plan to order one at Sun n Fun! Though, that survey would probably be more effective if it was posted on the RV-9/9A site.

copied from vans site.
RV-9/9A 375**** lots of them

Yes there are 375 -9 and -9A's but the Dave asked for pictures of -9's, not -9A's. and since I suspect he knows what his building and asked for pictures of -9's, that was what I was responding to.

No disrespect for those of you who are building the "Delux" model, but I had the same problem when I was building. I would post a question unique to the -9 and a bunch of -9A builders would reply. It was good to hear their comments but the info they gave didn't answer the questions I was asking. Such as something regarding break line routing. I soon learned to ask questions unique to the -9 over on the -7 forum as the two planes are almost identical.

Because of this, I've learned to be VERY specific with regard to the -9 / -9A thing.

Back when I started my tail kit Van's tried to talk me out of the -9 and into a -9A. They told me then that they could not tell how many -9 vs. -9A kits they sold because there is no difference until you order the fuselage kit. Thus, even though I knew I was building a -9, Van's didn't know it unilt I orded the fuselage kit, which included the little wheel. Even then, they called to confirm that I wanted the taildragger version.

BTW, the -9 is a great TW airplane!!! Those of you building them will be VERY happy!
I guess I should update my photo in the completed folder. I lost that wheel in the front somewhere along the way. I'll post some pics with I'm done painting, hopefully by the end of April.

Dave, you will love the plane. I converted mine last year and love it.
My -4 is sooo easy to handle that I can't understand building a -9a. If I can handle a -4 then anyone with a pulse should be able to handle a -9 with it's superior low speed qualities. I'm not meaning to imply the -4 is a hard TW airplane but OMG, if it got any easier you shouldn't need an endorsement!!;)
Well I did manage to find a couple pics of the 9 and as you say there isn't really many of it compared to the 9A. My serial # is 91683 so there has to be a 1682 out there somewhere. Maybe there in some foreign country or something. I'm happy with what I'm building and was hoping to find some really nice pics of the 9, not the 9A (no offence) that I blow up and show my friends,neigbours what I'm doing in my garage.