
Legacy Member
My O-360 powered -9 taildragger spinning a fixed pitch Catto prop will cruise right at 175 knots at 8,000 feet density altitude at 75% power.

On Christmas day I spent some time exploring the lower end of the performance spectrum.

Short field:
Within 900' from the end of a runway on a no wind 60?F day, not my touchdown point, I was able to land and take off again. That was land, stop, raise the flaps, adjust the trim and take off in less than 900 feet. Since I floated past the end of the runway, I absolutely believe Van's numbers.

Optimal cruise:
On that same flight I thought I would see what my optimal extended range speed would be.

It turns out that 40% power gives me 135 knots running while burning 4.8 GPH LoP.
This works out to 28 GPH gives me a range of over 1000 NM.

What numbers are the rest of you seeing?
Too fast

You need to read the article about putting that super big engine on your -9 and stay below 156kts. Shame shame shame.😄

On a serious note, 28mpg is pretty good. Was that on a three-way gps course? The Cafe report on the -9 showed 30mpg but I haven?t been able to get that yet.
You need to read the article about putting that super big engine on your -9 and stay below 156kts. Shame shame shame.😄

On a serious note, 28mpg is pretty good. Was that on a three-way gps course? The Cafe report on the -9 showed 30mpg but I haven?t been able to get that yet.

I can't read, I thought you knew that Craig!

The average of three 75% power runs; however, for my efficiency runs, I was looking at TAS, % power, and fuel flow. I was wondering what my numbers would be with the larger engine.
10-320 9A

The formatting is hard to read but the bottom line numbers are:

ROP 164.9 kts at 9.4gph

LOP 152.7 kts at 7.1gph

I tried 2000 rpm LOP and can't find the results. From memory, it was 143 kts at 5.4 gph which works out to 26 kts/gal or 30mile/gal.

GPS-PEC results for a -9A IO-320 Whirlwind C/S:

Point 4 Vwind Wind dir Vtrue 12/9/2018
Vg Track (kts) (deg) (kts) 100 ROP
150 1 15.6 355 165.5 2500 RPM 22.4 MP
163 272 16.5 360 164.5 8000 PA
181 180 15.5 4 165.5 9.4 GPH
164 91 14.2 359 164.2 Pmag A
ave 15.5 269.7 164.9
std dev 0.7

Point 5 Vwind Wind dir Vtrue 12/24/2018
Vg Track (kts) (deg) (kts) 10 LOP
151 4 7.7 283 152.4 2400 RPM 22.4 MP
160 92 7.1 279 153.0 8000 PA
154 180 6.6 285 152.4 7.1 GPH
146 273 7.3 289 153.0 Pmag A
ave 7.2 284.2 152.7 19.2 GALS Remaiing
std dev 0.3
John's numbers agree pretty close with mine - at 15k density altitude I'm regularly running 24 nm/gal at 140 ktas. At 18 and 21k Density altitude I'm seeing 25-26 nm/gal at 135-140 knots TAS. This is econ cruise WOTLOP 2300, and I definitely DO NOT have ideal drag cleanup on my fairings and cowling yet. I think I've easily got another single nm/gal in drag cleanup if not more.

I should add that I'm doing this on 91E10 fuel, not 100LL.
Hi guys any one know if some one put an 118hp in the RV-9A? Im looking for real numbers in performance with that horse power and a fix pith propeller.
thank you for your time
Hi guys any one know if some one put an 118hp in the RV-9A? Im looking for real numbers in performance with that horse power and a fix pith propeller.
thank you for your time

Vans prototype RV-9 was powered by a 118 hp Lycoming O-235 engine. Build your plane per plans and light and you will hit those numbers Van's lists on their website. Van's aircraft is known for not inflating their performance numbers. They are realistic numbers that can be easily met. https://www.vansaircraft.com/public/rv9perf.htm
Vans prototype RV-9 was powered by a 118 hp Lycoming O-235 engine. Build your plane per plans and light and you will hit those numbers Van's lists on their website. Van's aircraft is known for not inflating their performance numbers. They are realistic numbers that can be easily met. https://www.vansaircraft.com/public/rv9perf.htm

Thanks for the quick response!! yes I see that one from Vans, but I was looking to some one that did it to see his opinion.! I see you use to have an RV-10, do you mind to tell me your opinion about that plane?
Thanks you again!
Hi guys any one know if some one put an 118hp in the RV-9A? Im looking for real numbers in performance with that horse power and a fix pith propeller.
thank you for your time

I know a guy who put a 108 HP O-235 in his -9A and my -9 taildragger started life with a 135 ho O-290D2. I also have a friend who should be flying his 115hp -9A by the end of the summer.

They meet or exceed Van's numbers. Honestly, the only reason to build one with the small engine is if you have one laying around or get an amazing deal on one. The small engines just kill the resale value.
O-320/dual EI/carb/CS prop

Hi Bill,

Your numbers are amazing!

My 9A has been pretty consistent over its 2,100 hours:

High cruise: ~150KTAS @ 7500ft on ~6GPH (burns a little less at 12,500)

Low cruise: ~130KTAS at any altitude on ~5GPH

Loiter: stays in the air at ~3.5GPH, but is not in a hurry to get anywhere - good stetting for getting photos.

I'll get my yearly performance numbers to post in the next week or so.

With mogas after discounts and rebates in the $2.25 range now, low cost(for aviation) fun is possible!!!

Happy New Year!
RV-9A with O-235 Engine Performance

Thanks for the quick response!! yes I see that one from Vans, but I was looking to some one that did it to see his opinion.! I see you use to have an RV-10, do you mind to tell me your opinion about that plane?
Thanks you again!
I built an RV-9A with the Lycoming O-235-L2C 118 HP, and it does meet Van's numbers. It is N942WG.
I also don't totally believe it hurts resale value too much, as there are always people out there trying to get the best bang for their buck. An RV-9A or RV-9 with that engine is getting pretty good gas mileage and still has a respectable cruise!
Hey Bill, what is the fuel burn for this 175kts & 75%....just curious

Brian, it is drinking fuel at that setting, almost 13 GPH at 100 RoP. With only 36 gallons on board, I typically fly it at between 150 and 160 knots. That works out to around 50% to 55% power and ~7.2 GPH. The numbers go up and down depending on the conditions and I never really worry about it too much. My typical flight sees me level off, pull back to 65% power, let it stabilize. If I'm above 6500', then I will go LoP, which drops me to 50 to 55% power, as I said.

The -9 is surprisingly fast. A couple of the local RV-7 guys and I did some formation work together and even with the fixed pitch Catto, they were stunned that all in, a lowly -9 could out run them. Even more surprising was that at some speeds, I could outclimb those with a CS prop. That wing is just amazing!

Rob and I need to go side-by-side to see who's is faster.
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My -9A does about 155-157 KTAS at 7.5 gph, WOT & LOP at a DA 0f 9000' to 10,000'.

Stock 160-hp IO-320-D1A w/ Slick magnetos, FP Catto 70x70 2-blade prop, with a TOW of about 1500 lb.
Rob and I need to go side-by-side to see who's is faster.

:D I have a pretty good idea how that'll end....but could be wrong.

My normal flight plan was 175kts @ 8.5gph above 8500', I usually beat those numbers chock to chock.
If I ran at peak, speed was over 180+kts burning 9.5-10gph.
Full power was 188-190kts
:D I have a pretty good idea how that'll end....but could be wrong.

My normal flight plan was 175kts @ 8.5gph above 8500', I usually beat those numbers chock to chock.
If I ran at peak, speed was over 180+kts burning 9.5-10gph.
Full power was 188-190kts

Sounds like I'll get dusted!

I spoke to Rob the other day. He is still very impressed with your-7.
RV9(a) Performance

Hi Bill,

I would agree with you that the RV9 wing performs incredibly well at all altitudes but excels from 10k up into the mid teens--even though power is going down at the higher altitudes that wing just does not want to give up speed.

I have no hard take off numbers but I do have a lot of data that I collected on climb and cruise while I was testing some of Craig's propellers.

My 9a does have a James cowl/plenum, a lot of detail clean up, and is powered by a stock compression parallel valve IO360/180 hp engine. My typical cruise with the fp 3 blade Catto was 63-65% power, lop (7.8 to 8 gph) which at 8 to 10k ft density gave me from 163 to 165 ktas. Several years ago while testing Craigs gen 3 carbon fiber 3 blade I ran some tests at wot (2660 rpm-prop was slightly over pitched for my plane) and saw a couple of ticks over 178 ktas at 9k density. The mixture was set at 125 to 150 degrees rop for that run. I have since converted to a WW RV200 constant speed propeller but have yet to run it at high rpm/high power. My current typical cruise with the WW is 2350 rpm, wot, lop (7.8-8 gph) and I see 165-168 ktas.

Been loving this RV9a-360 combo since 2006!

Happy New Year to all and of course,


I built an RV-9A with the Lycoming O-235-L2C 118 HP, and it does meet Van's numbers. It is N942WG.
I also don't totally believe it hurts resale value too much, as there are always people out there trying to get the best bang for their buck. An RV-9A or RV-9 with that engine is getting pretty good gas mileage and still has a respectable cruise!

What kind of kts cruising speeds are you observing with this low HP engine, and GPH consumption?

Also, is it a major PIA to adjust the solid lifter valves every 100 hrs, or at least inspect them? Full cowl removal for access?
Pretty similar to mine

My -9A, 160hp O-320 and a CS prop, gets about 158KTAS at 7000-8000, wide open, and about 7.7 gph, TOW maybe 1550.

My -9A does about 155-157 KTAS at 7.5 gph, WOT & LOP at a DA 0f 9000' to 10,000'.

Stock 160-hp IO-320-D1A w/ Slick magnetos, FP Catto 70x70 2-blade prop, with a TOW of about 1500 lb.
More performance notes RV-9A

8000 ft, 2300 RPM, about 57% power - 142 Knots at 6.9GPH.

That seems to be my sweet spot with a 3 blade Catto and a IO-320, 160 HP.

Just about a 600 nm range in a little over 4 hours, with an hour reserve.

That's about all the fun I can stand at one time, and about all my bladder can handle.

My ride is pretty new, about 90 hours, and it is not a lightweight at 1,150 lbs empty.