
Well Known Member
Would appreciate input on why yo chose one over the other. I?m pulling the trigger on one Very soon. My mission statement is more cross country than acrobatics. My wife is not so inclined to see the horizon upside down where I am not apposed. As far as how many times I will go up to do upside down flying, I am not sure. Is either one easier than the other to build? Are the plans any easier to read than the other? Any input would be appreciated. And in the end I know it is my decision. Thanks in advance!
Would appreciate input on why yo chose one over the other. I?m pulling the trigger on one Very soon. My mission statement is more cross country than acrobatics. My wife is not so inclined to see the horizon upside down where I am not apposed. As far as how many times I will go up to do upside down flying, I am not sure. Is either one easier than the other to build? Are the plans any easier to read than the other? Any input would be appreciated. And in the end I know it is my decision. Thanks in advance!
I won't say much about whether I think you should build one over the other. All I will say about that is . . . Well, I built a 9!

As for the question of whether one is easier to build than the other, the 7 and 9 share the same exact fuselage. Everything from the firewall back to the tail feathers are identical. So, as far as the fuselage goes, no difference. There are some differences on the construction of the control surfaces but I would not think either would be harder, just different.

You will love whichever one you chose. Enjoy the ride!
I would say they are identical to built, 9 maybe a bit more since wing is larger but fuselage is identical (minus a few minor tweaks).

I picked the 9 as a cross country and approx. 10 knot slower stall speed, possible future IFR training. Felt for me a bit safer with the lower stall and lower time pilot, bit more stable.

I would now say the difference isn't as much and if you ever intent to not be straight and level the 9 option is out.
If you want to go upside down even once, you need a -7.

The -9 is an amazing airplane and that wing is stunning but it is not designed for aerobics.

Build time and cost is pretty much identical.
Do a search on “rv7 vs rv9” above and you will find days’ worth of reading! Since the planes haven’t changed in the 15+ years since they came out, neither have the debates! Good luck.
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I don't do as much as I should in the aerobatic arena to be sure, but I like knowing the airplane is a +6/-3 machine. Makes me feel secure. Easy to fly and probably a better sales market if you ever find it necessary to sell.
I had planned to build a 9 and ended up building a 7 as I got a good deal on a nearby project. The 9 would have been better at landing on my farms private strip with a lower approach and stall speed. The 7's shorter wingspan takes up less room in my hanger and I think the resale value might be a little higher. Also, I can do a loop or roll and not worry about pulling a few g's. With that said, I would have been happy as a clam with either!