
Active Member
Hi Guys
Does anyone happen to have a pic showing the main spar rivets that need to be countersunk when your adding the reinforcing plates and doublers. I've looked around here but can't seem to see what I want. I don't want to countersink where I shouldn't or not C/S where I should.
Sorry Guys

I mweant the wing spar. W907 A,B,C,D,E. It's hard to see them properly on the drawings.
I've got a couple of photos... (click to enlarge)

907E doubler:

907C doubler:

I don't think the 907D has any countersunk rivets.
Hope these help...
Here's a shot I did of mine, you can see the marker circling the holes that were countersunk. I don't have any decent shots of the other doublers. I got carried away with the countersink and cut three more than needed, you can see those in the photo, I just ran a 426 rivet in there instead of the 470.

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