David Lowe

Active Member

I am wondering if there are any forum members who live in the Oxfordshire / Buckinghamshire area an who have completed an RV9(A).

I am going to build either an RV 12 or 9A and I would like to find someone in the area to sit down and talk to for half an hour about the build process in the UK. I would prefer someone who has been through the entire process including the LAA checks and flight testing.

Thanks in advance for your help.

There is a flying RV-9 at Bicester (owner built a 9A and then saw the light and converted ;) ), and someone who 90% built a 9A and then sold the whole kit near Booker.

If you PM/eMail me your request / contract details I will forward them on...
I have a 9A near Bath & would be happy to chat about it. It wouldn't take long or get up to somewhere around Bicester / Oxford on a nice day.

Another 9A Diesel


Or you can see another RV9A diesel at Wellesbourne....... in fact if you go to the LAA rally I am sure a number of us can talk to you there and take you for a flight.