
Active Member
Well, fellow RV-9'rs, N791AC has officially had air under her wings. With guidance from DAR Lowell Farrand, she received her Airworthiness Certificate on May 8th. First flight occurred on Sunday, May 16th after renewing my BFR in a J-3 Cub. The engine ran great. Cylinder head temps at approx 375-425 across the board, depending on power setting. She accelerated quickly and was off the ground before I knew it!! She flies straight and level, hands off. Aborted the first landing after realizing how quick i was on final....10 knots too fast....GO AROUND!! Second attempt was much more stable and resulted in a half-way decent three-point landing. No squawks or oil leaks noted. Next week, the graphics arrive!!! I'll post pics soon! For those of you still building....don't give up on it! It's totally worth it in the end. Took me 5 1/2 years to get to this point. Keep your dream ALIVE!!
Welcome to the incomparable RV9 experience!
The go 'round sounds familiar. It took me three attemps to get slowed down enough for landing on my first flight. (some bonehead left the pitot cover on :eek:) earned it. :)
Good job. Yes - in the -9 it is easy to be too fast on final and not be able to slow down. And it'll float if you try to land that way. After a few hours, you'll get the hang of when you have to start slowing down - something you don't usually have to worry much about in a Cub!

Congrats - they're sweet flying machines.

Congrats! It must feel nice. I'm trying hard to get to the airport this year.

Post some pix and video if you got 'em. They're always good for inspiration.
Congratulations!!! I'm turning as green as Kermit the frog. I am trying to finish this year but may be a little optimistic. Waiting for pictures.:D
Okay, I have the identical engine and (hopefully soon) a catto 2-blade prop. How was the performance?
Tony, the performance was great. She accelerates well. Climb rate at 100 kts was approx 1300-1500 fpm. That was full fuel and my 215 lb body on board. Empty weight is 1085 lbs. I'll keep everyone posted on speed numbers and fuel burn as Phase 1 continues
Congratulations. It is great to hear another 9 is in the sky. I hear our numbers are really picking up.
i can't wait...

to join you! hope to be cluttering up the skies with you before summer is over. congratulations! don olandese/N261RM
Pics posted

Thanks again everyone. I posted a couple pics of her in the "show us the status of your FINISHED RV-9" section.

Great to hear you are flying. I am right behind you. I had my inspection this past Monday and am looking to take off in the next week or so.

I have the ECI IOX-340 with cold air induction, single mag, Plasma III, Catto 3 blade prop.

Interesting on your weight. My empty weight came out exactly as yours did at 1085. That is with a full Classic Aero Interior but no paint.

Hope to meet up with you sometime in the future.