
I'm New Here
I'm sure this is a loaded question, but... Is the 9A suitable for use as a primary trainer?

I spend 30 - 60 hours a month in the right seat of a Cirrus SR22-G2, and (no offense intended) I feel like I'm stepping into a time warp when I get in any of the local trainers -- 172s, Warriors, etc.

FWIW, I'm really a zero time student, but I've been in the right seat of the cirrus for about 300 hours.



The RV9/RV9A is a really nice flying airplane. And there are people who have gotten their private pilot license in an RV.

The roll rate is not as fast the RV you flew in and as such it will feel more "stable" to the lower RV time pilot.

Of the RVs, it is the one most targetted by design for cross country/training/ease of flight. Now there is a big difference in ANY RV and the rest of the planes out there (even the Cirrus :) ), and this one still feels like an RV.

Stop by again and I will show you a 9A here at the field (if I haven't already).

Call or send me an email at [email protected]

James E. Clark

dikranyacoubian said:
I'm sure this is a loaded question, but... Is the 9A suitable for use as a primary trainer?

I spend 30 - 60 hours a month in the right seat of a Cirrus SR22-G2, and (no offense intended) I feel like I'm stepping into a time warp when I get in any of the local trainers -- 172s, Warriors, etc.

FWIW, I'm really a zero time student, but I've been in the right seat of the cirrus for about 300 hours.


Do you have the sixty grand ($$) to exactly duplicate the Cirrus panel in your RV-9? The Cirrus has an awesome panel and if you are used to that you will probably be disappointed with most training or rental airplanes out there. That thing is one nice machine. (Note: This comment is not meant to annoy other non-certified avionics manufacturers or brand new airplanes. Don't jump on me folks.)


Scroll down to PFD and MFD for prices on certified parts. RV-9 does not need certifed parts luckily.


Nice stuff. Does almost everything but manipulate the stick for you. Sometimes it even does that :D

But besides that, with the right instructor I am sure you could learn to fly in a RV-9A. There has been more than one person who built a RV and learned to fly in it. Go back to the good old days :confused: and look at what people used to learn to fly in. It can be done.
dikranyacoubian said:
FWIW, I'm really a zero time student, but I've been in the right seat of the cirrus for about 300 hours.


Can I ask why you ride in the Cirrus so much? Just curious.
RV9 for training


Thanks for the invitation. I asked the question before I knew there were some 9s in Columbia. I would love to take a look.

I just sold the Star Sport and am about to get something a little more substantial to train in. The leading candidate is a diamond eclipse.

That said I've wanted to build an RV for about 10 years, so I'll start on a new one even if I buy a used 9 for training. Your 20 minute ride the other day is going to cost me a lot of money <G>

Thanks again and I'll probably give you a call tomorrow.

RV9 for training


>>Do you have the sixty grand ($$) to exactly duplicate the Cirrus panel in your RV-9?<<

Yeah, but I probably wouldn't go with the Avidyn Entegra suite or the stec55x autopilot. I really don't need to completely duplicate the panel, but I'm used to the 430s and MUCH prefer an efis to steam guages. I work with computers all day long, and the EFIS/MFD just clicks with me. FWIW, I'll probably put the Chelton dual screen in whatever I build.

That said, the Entegra 2 suite with integrated GPS/Coms and synthetic terrain should be out by the time I'm ready for the panel -- so who knows. I've got a Dynon in a light sport, and it is perfectly fine -- just a tick small.

>>Can I ask why you ride in the Cirrus so much? Just curious.<<

Nothing really exciting. It's my personal plane, and I travel a lot for business and pleasure. I love to travel, but HATE flying commercial. I took the demo ride in a Cirrus and was hooked. Just took a demo ride in an RV6 and I'm hooked again <g>

-- Dikran
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Send me an email off-list (see earlier message for address) and we can line things up.

If you want to train in an RV that can be done.

I always say the best way to "fly an RV is to buy an RV" **unless** you just enjoy the building process or want to build something very special.

Soooo ... given that the Star Sport is history, it can be converted in a few days to an RV for training. :) **THEN** the building process can begin on the one you REALLY want. :)

The RV9/9A is probably best for training. The 9A in my opinion would make a fantastic trainer for the many flight schools that are around. If you go tailwheel, that will add a little more time to the training process *and* you will need to find the right instructor ... someone with lots of tailwheel training experience. Many of today's instructors do NOT have tailwheel endorsements.

If you want to build a 9A quickly, I know of a project that is for sale. Probably could get the ***basic*** plane flying next year.

Again, contact me off-list ... there is more.


dikranyacoubian said:

Thanks for the invitation. I asked the question before I knew there were some 9s in Columbia. I would love to take a look.

I just sold the Star Sport and am about to get something a little more substantial to train in. The leading candidate is a diamond eclipse.

That said I've wanted to build an RV for about 10 years, so I'll start on a new one even if I buy a used 9 for training. Your 20 minute ride the other day is going to cost me a lot of money <G>

Thanks again and I'll probably give you a call tomorrow.

When you stop by, remind me to show you the dual screen GRT Horizon with TruTrak Autopilot project I am working on.

I liked the stuff from Avidyne but it was all 28 volts and they were not moving to offer anything that would run on 12-14 last time I talked to them.

Regarding the RV6 demo ride ... you haven't seen ANYTHING yet!! :) Just wait until we get to go up on a clear and smooth day.


dikranyacoubian said:

>>Do you have the sixty grand ($$) to exactly duplicate the Cirrus panel in your RV-9?<<

Yeah, but I probably wouldn't go with the Avidyn Entegra suite or the stec55x autopilot. I really don't need to completely duplicate the panel, but I'm used to the 430s and MUCH prefer an efis to steam guages. I work with computers all day long, and the EFIS/MFD just clicks with me. FWIW, I'll probably put the Chelton dual screen in whatever I build.

That said, the Entegra 2 suite with integrated GPS/Coms and synthetic terrain should be out by the time I'm ready for the panel -- so who knows. I've got a Dynon in a light sport, and it is perfectly fine -- just a tick small.

>>Can I ask why you ride in the Cirrus so much? Just curious.<<

Nothing really exciting. It's my personal plane, and I travel a lot for business and pleasure. I love to travel, but HATE flying commercial. I took the demo ride in a Cirrus and was hooked. Just took a demo ride in an RV6 and I'm hooked again <g>

-- Dikran