When I get my full scale RV-9 flying, I will have one of these. I think the rumor is that they plan to make one in a larger scale as well.
One can do aerobatics in just about anything. Should one...????

Probably shouldn't post it on YouTube.
i've seen that video before(the full scale one)... i don't think they were really over doing it though.
i thought it was pretty cool to see actually. not many 9 videos out there worth watching.
When I saw the caption, I thought it was going to reference this video:


I wondered about this one. I thought the RV9 was a non-aerobatic model. Am I missing something?

Based on the looks on those guys faces, they have about as much fun doing aerobatics as one would doing math problems. If I was doing aero like that I would at LEAST crack one of these:D!! I didn't see one smile. Maybe, deep down inside they knew they shouldn't be doing that with a 9, maybe thats why there is no smiling:rolleyes:.
As was pointed out...

I wondered about this one. I thought the RV9 was a non-aerobatic model. Am I missing something?

....just about any airplane can do aerobatics....it's all in the hands of the pilot...his/her skill level. The -9 simply has a lower stress design at 4.4 G's instead of 6.

Heck, a Boeing 707 has been rolled as have many Lears and Citations, not to mention the Aero Commander of Bob Hoover.
