
Well Known Member
It was a great time last year, so here we go again. RV-9(A) builders lets get together. I propose we meet before the Van's 2010 Oshkosh Banquet as we did last year. I?ll bring a sign and put on one of the picnic tables to identify us.

That would be Tuesday, July 27th at 5:30 PM just outside the EAA Nature Center Pavilion.

Why don?t you send me a quick PM or EM if you are coming and I?ll try to compile a list.

deiland77 (at) eranch (dot) us

I look forward to seeing as many of you as can make it.

All the best,
I'm not sure if I fall in that group anymore even though I have 600+ hours in ours now. Maybe I'll have to send Tanya solo :). With all the shop time I'm getting recently, my brain is in -8 fastback mode... But wait, they're all RVs, who cares what model.
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All RV-9(A) ers welcome

Hey Scott. Absolutely you are welcome. I was told you never finish building your plane. So I thought everyone would fall into the builder category. Ask Doug Reeves.

We will talk about driving rivets and you can talk about flying rivets. <gr>
If I make to Oshkosh - count me in

If I get to Oshkosh I'll be there as well. Going to the banquet afterwards.
So, I haven't posted on the forums in awhile so you guys won't know me but I'm looking at building a -9A. I have the pre-build plans so far. I just found out a week ago that I'll be able to go to AirVenture this year (my first time!) with a friend of mine in his vintage C-172 so we'll be camped in the Vintage area.

I have a feeling I may be hit with sensory overload :eek: once I arrive but if I manage to keep it together, I'd love to stop by and say hello and introduce myself. I missed out on tickets to the banquet though.

I'm hoping to get a demo flight at Van's booth while I'm there.

Still Trying to Figure Out how to Get There

I have been on again, off again with Osh this year. At the moment, it is on...

If so, I will be at the gathering. Thanks.

I will be travelling for the man that week. Gotta pay for the avgas that powers the fun. :)

Hope to sneak in Weds during the day if the weather is good.
Day late and a dollar short

Big Duhhhh on my part. I didn't get tickets and now it is too late. :(
So, I haven't posted on the forums in awhile so you guys won't know me but I'm looking at building a -9A. I have the pre-build plans so far. I just found out a week ago that I'll be able to go to AirVenture this year (my first time!) with a friend of mine in his vintage C-172 so we'll be camped in the Vintage area.

I have a feeling I may be hit with sensory overload :eek: once I arrive but if I manage to keep it together, I'd love to stop by and say hello and introduce myself. I missed out on tickets to the banquet though.

I'm hoping to get a demo flight at Van's booth while I'm there.


I had already started on the 9A before Osh last year but I still did the demo ride. It will make your decision an easy one. You may as well order the empennage kit now so it'll be waiting for you when you get home. :) After a few days at Osh you'll be jazzed up.

If you are going to do the demo flight make sure get to Van's booth as early as possible on opening day. I think I was there by 0700/0730 or so and there was already a line up. The demo flight spots were taken up quickly.

I'll see you guys at the get together before the banquet.

Scott Jones
Ottawa, ON, Canada
RV-9A Fuselage Assembly
I haven't been active on the forum in a long time (building has taken a back seat to work this year), but I'm looking forward to seeing you all again - I'll be there.
Come on by


Like Dean said come on by for the 9/9A gathering. You don't need a ticket. Its just that some of us are going to the Vans banquet when it starts. If you guys(gals) are going to gather at someone's camp site later let the rest of us know so we may stop by after the banquet.
I had already started on the 9A before Osh last year but I still did the demo ride. It will make your decision an easy one. You may as well order the empennage kit now so it'll be waiting for you when you get home. :) After a few days at Osh you'll be jazzed up.

If you are going to do the demo flight make sure get to Van's booth as early as possible on opening day. I think I was there by 0700/0730 or so and there was already a line up. The demo flight spots were taken up quickly.

I'll see you guys at the get together before the banquet.

Scott Jones
Ottawa, ON, Canada
RV-9A Fuselage Assembly

I'm already jazzed! Thanks for the tip. We're hoping to arrive on the 24th and I'm an early riser.

I won't get to osh this year so I won't be part of this ;)

I'll see you guys next year (hopefully). Vlad : At least, I won't be taking place in all your pictures ;)
I won't get to osh this year so I won't be part of this ;)

I'll see you guys next year (hopefully). Vlad : At least, I won't be taking place in all your pictures ;)

We need you this year :) Next year I am not coming will be busy with inspection and Phase 1.
Traveling from BC

I hope to be there....hopefully the WX is good. I have XM-WX now.
Do I have to buy tickets? Or bring your own food? Bier?:)
Additional Information

Hey Pete,

Our RV-9(A) get-to-gather is not a formal event. Van?s Aircraft has a banquet each year at the ?Nature Center Pavilion? on the grounds of AirVenture, Oshkosh. I believe the banquet starts at 6:30 with the bar opening either 30 minutes or an hour prior to that. We will get together about 5:30 just outside the pavilion, meet some fellow builders and tell lies for 45 minutes or so. You don?t need to bring anything.

I am sorry to say but the tickets for the banquet are sold out, however don?t let that stop you from coming by to visit.

I can?t find any information on Van?s web site except the banquet is sold out so if any of my facts are incorrect would someone please correct me.

Thanks and I look forward to seeing you guys.
Watching APRS TV

I am watching APRS TV broadcasts Scott, Alfio and Ted steaming towards Wittman...