
Well Known Member
I just committed and put down a deposit on a bed/bath/kitchen on wheels, so I guess I am going to Oshkosh again this year.

But let it be known here and now that I will not be going to Oshkosh next year because I will be flying off Phase 1 hours, not driving for hours.

With that said some RV-9(A) person needs to step up to the plate and organize us. Any volunteers? Up until last year we have met an hour before the Van?s banquet and it has work out OK, The down side has been we are a little rushed and it is hard to pick out the 9 guys from the rest of the crowd.

Last year we tried meeting for breakfast one day and it was a flop. So I think we are open for ideas.
Count me in...not sure I want to organize anything but I'll add that about 10 years ago we just met at the Van's tent sometime in the morning and then toured the RVs with a special emphasis on the 9's. Just another option to consider.
RV-9(A)s gathering at Oshkosh

How about letting this post simmer for a few day and everybody throw out ideas. Then middle of next week we can plan on making a decision where and when.

I like Don?s idea. I go through the RV?s several times during the week looking for 9s.
I'm open

I liked meeting for breakfast last year. Unfortunately we did not have much of a turnout. Maybe it was the day of the week that was the problem?? I think the tour of the RV?s (9s) is also a good idea. Like Dean said meeting before the vans banquet is convenient but we are very limited on time. Plus that is a great time to meet with others on this forum.
I think whatever is decided morning would work the best. Maybe combine the breakfast and RV tour together? We could have breakfast and talk then anyone that is interested can go on the tour. I am planning on attending the whole week Saturday July 27th thru Sunday August 4th so for us the day of the week does not matter. I would think earlier in the week would work the best due to people leaving early to get home.
Judy and I are camping in a private farm field just south of the Red Barn. Just North of Waupun Rd on the West side of Knapp St. The front of our tent camper is on Knapp St (assuming no one moved my stakes) I will know for sure this weekend when we pull the trailer up there.
I plan to be there by Sunday and stay through Tuesday in my -9. First time to OSH. Would like to meet other owners and builders of Vans best design. :)
I'll be around all week, but am tied up early Tuesday and Wednesday mornings with Oshkosh events I'm part of. The idea of our own 9A tour around the fields I really like also. Looking forward to seeing you all again one way or another.
No go for me this year, I'm launching another business and going through in-vitro with my wife, but next year looks pretty good.
Be in Oshkosh Sunday afternoon to Wednesday evening with flying buddies. Would like to meeting other RV-9A builders/pilots. What if we meet at the RV Social Monday afternoon?
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I was planning to attend the social, so this works for me. It would be nice to also meet and review the 9's that fly in. I'm always amazed at the comments other make - they see things that I simply miss and I learn a lot.

I'd also like to request folks with flying 9s to be able to discuss what their CHTs are running during climb out in hot weather. I have 2 cylinders that routinely hit 420 and 430 on climb out and I'm sure would go higher if I didn't flatten the climb and pull power and lean. They're usually 365-375 in cruise. I've just finished the mods that DanH has shown but I have not had weather and me available together to test the effect. I have some results on early mods but nothing yet on what Dan was proposing for a channel to get air to the bottom of #3.
No go for me this year, I'm launching another business and going through in-vitro with my wife, but next year looks pretty good.

Holy smokes Greg! You have your hands full! Best of luck to you on both fronts.
another vote for the RV social

I'm flying in, along with another -9a, for my first trip to Oshkosh; the RV social works well for me (& I'll pass the word on.)

Happy to discuss CHT, EGT, oil pressure, temp, OAT, e-i-e-i-o with anyone who will buy the beer.
Don't know about Dean, but meeting up right before the social sounds like it would be best. Trying to meet up *during* the meeting would be problematic, since there are expected to be so many people. I'd just say let's congregate aside from the congregation. :D
I have the same heating issues on climb out but I never let my CHT's get close to 420. once I hit 405 I flatten out, pull some throttle and cool things back down to low 390's. I dont usually have the issue after takeoff again and then just start climbing away.
O-320, normal mags, central texas.

I'd also like to request folks with flying 9s to be able to discuss what their CHTs are running during climb out in hot weather. I have 2 cylinders that routinely hit 420 and 430 on climb out and I'm sure would go higher if I didn't flatten the climb and pull power and lean. They're usually 365-375 in cruise. I've just finished the mods that DanH has shown but I have not had weather and me available together to test the effect. I have some results on early mods but nothing yet on what Dan was proposing for a channel to get air to the bottom of #3.

I'll be at the RV social as well... CANT WAIT!! god i LOVE Oshkosh!!! all those little nick nacks, swag, cool planes n' stuff, workshops etc.. I've added all of them to my itinerary!
We fly a -9A (A LOT) and are fully planning on crashing the Vans banquet before it starts in order to talk to our heart's content. We arrive with two perspectives on things such as cooling profiles, operations, people, etc. We won't be staying for dinner, but will migrate our party a few hundred feet West to continue the conversation. Just sayin', that is our plan this year.
I think it is time...

I think enough time has past that everyone that wanted to have a say has spoken, and there seems to be a fairly strong consensus. We are going to meet at the RV social Monday after the airshow. I have never been, but I can only imagine the crowd. So we are going to need a way to identify ourselves as RV-9(A) flyers/builders. Anyone have any ideas? If you think it would work I could get a sign and place it on a table and we can gather around the sign.

With that said, I also love walking through the field of wild RVs. So why don?t we plan to meet for breakfast (if you would like), then head over to Van?s tent and then out to the RVs (see below). Especially those of you that fly an RV-9(A) to Oshkosh, we would love to talk and pick your collective brains.

9:00 Tuesday morning; breakfast at the concession area just south of the Honda Jet tent (unless things have changed this year)

9:45 Tuesday morning Van?s tent

10:00 Tuesday morning RV parking area

<Hey Doug, sorry to make this so complicated.>

Scott, I plan to be at the banquet early again this year, so if not before I?ll see ya then.
That sounds like a great idea of putting a RV-9/A sign on a table for the group to gather around. Hopefully if we plan to meet immediately after the airshow we could move away from the crowd and make plans for the remainder of the week. What you outlined above sounds good. Since this is my first trip to Oshkosh, I'm going to leave details to you folks that have been to AirVenture before.
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In the past we tried meeting before the Van's banquet and we never seemed to have much time to talk before everyone moved to find their seats. I will be at the social Monday evening but won't be at the banquet Tuesday. Looking forward to re-connecting with everyone.
Sounds like a pretty good plan to me. I'll be at the social, will meet up the following morning, and likely will get to Van's banquet early to talk with Scott.

Well I thought I had considered everything, but it just hit me the Chicago concert follows the airshow on Monday. The concert is pretty high on my bucket list, so I will see you guys after the concert.

Would someone like to pick up the task of making an RV-9(A) sign for the table?

I guess I'll print up a sign or two here at the office this morning before I leave. I'll be wearing my gray RV-9A shirt that day/night anyway.

Cya'll in a few days.