DC3T Driver

I'm New Here
Hello all,
I am new to VAF and registered because i am in need of some help. I am desperately wanting to build an 8 but i would like to fly one before making the full commitment. I have flown a 6A but the fighter style look of the 8 keeps pulling me back. I hear the 8 doesn't fly as well as the 6 but regardless of the fact i would still love to see one in person. Anyway, after going through van's list of builders in Ontario i am having difficulty finding one that is complete. Is there anyone out there willing to do a show and tell and possibly a quick flight for some cash in the Toronto area? Thanks so much
Hi Paul

There are at least 3 finished -8s in the greater Toronto area. Charlie Douma in Brampton, Glenn McLarty in Oakville, and John Brian in Burlington (yeah, I know, that is not in Toronto ;-)

I'm positive there are more, but those are the names I pulled off of the Ontario RVators web site.

I don't know who said that the -8 didn't handle well. It is a hoot to fly !


Hey Paul,

Im in Uxbridge (Im guessing maybe you're close to Oshawa being a DC3T man??), just thought that although I dont have what you're looking for I can offer a visit to a 90% done 7.


Mark, Thanks for the contacts, i will certainly look them up. I am east of Toronto but i am willing to drive to find one. I can imagine the 8 is a blast as well, hopefully i can attest that for myself soon! ;)

Simon, you would be right about being close to oshawa. I fly the turbine 3's for Enterprise Airlines. I am leaving shortly for Ireland and wont be back home until the 8th of December. Provided it is not too busy around your place (given the season) i would love to come take a look at the 7.
Thanks again,
HA! mark its a small world, i just realized i have your blog on the 'snowbird 8' favourited in firefox from about 6 months ago. Nice to put 2 and 2 together. Beautiful airplane to say the least!
Thanks, Paul. It is a fun airplane to take to fly-ins and such. Or even just the $100 hamburger/breakfast ;-)
Urban RV-8

Noticed your post about the 8. I'm just starting an 8 project in downtown Toronto. I have a tail kit and a LOT of tools out in my workshop, which is almost ready to go.
I have flown an RV-8 (Glen McLarty's) and have studied the aircraft for many moons. I don't think you'll be disappointed if you fly it - the controls are light and crisp, and the handling is really nice. Glen's has a 200-hp angle valve and Hartzell CS prop. Excellent airplane. If you want to look at an 8, I suggest you check out Glen's - of all the ones I've seen, I like his best.
As to the building process - I've spent a whack of money on tools and related equipment (including a radiant-tube garage heater so I don't freeze to death.) I have made significant upgrades to my woodworking equipment that have facilitated shop construction (among other things, I built a really nice assembly table for my 8.) The project costs more than you might think (at least the way I do it, idiot perfectionist that I am...) But on the upside, my shop is really good, and I have passed many a happy hour working in it. As I have learned, the tools you build an airplane with also come in handy for home repairs, which has helped save my marriage.) Our house has, among other things, a perfectly-aligned clothes dryer exhaust and an aircraft-quality bracket that holds our Green Bin and eliminates the stress riser that plagues the stock design!)
As to building resources - there are quite a few really smart and experienced builders in Ontario. There are quite a few guys at Brampton Flying Club, including Glen McLarty - he is a very humble but accomplished guy (he's built 3 RV's and flew 747's for Air Canada.) Tom Martin, who lives west of TO, is an RV and Rocket guru - I went to see him, and he's amazing.
Anyway, hope this adds something.
Pete Cheney
wings in Whitby

Paul, although I'm only working on the wings (left one is hanging in the jig), you're welcome to drop by anytime and have a look - I'm in Whitby. Good to see some local builders.

I eye up those turbine -3's everytime I drive past...
I believe every word about the kit costing more then you would expect. I am planning on building the empennage in april (after a 2 month tour of the Antarctic) with kit plane builders in mississauaga. I want to do it as a test for 1. to make sure i am capable and want to proceed and for 2. to get a solid understanding of working with metal before diving in solo. After pricing the empennage and course (+ good ol' taxes) i am expecting it to cost around $5000. Add the cost of tools for the rest of the airplane now I'm at $7000. Thats a lot considering the price for the empennage is initially $1550 U.S. lol. As for the flying an 8. I talked with Greg Mclarty yesterday and i am hoping to arrange a flight with him next wednesday. I also talked to Charlie Douma about the 8 as well. Both had nothing but positive things to say about vans in general and the 8 being an excellent airplane. If the 8 handles at all like the 6 i flew, then the decision will have already been made. Now if only i can get my Company to negoatiate the junior F/O pay scale so I can order the quickbuild option after the antarctic as well! haha.
Thanks for all the support, this forum has had an unbelievable amount of support in only a few days.
I will most definitely take you up on your offer. I think i meantioned earlier in this forum that i will be leaving on the 15th for Ireland until the 8th of december. So if i could swing by sometime next week that would be great. If not, no worries i can always come by in december. Thanks again
costs and learning....

I know the tool suppliers advertise kits for $2000, but I've spent a lot more than that. If you add up a compressor, torque wrenches, and the many other items you'll need, the real figure is at least double what you think. But - it's huge fun, and you get to keep the tools forever. Going to build the tail under supervision sounds like a good idea. I've had some instruction, but am getting more, from Glen and Tom before I start on my kit.
If you're interested, I'm going up Tom's for at least a day or two. If you or other new builders want to join me, the cost will be reduced, and we'll all have a lot of fun. That guy knows how to build an airplane. So does Glen. By the time we've sucked their brains dry we'll have Doctorates of RVology.


ps - yes, the RV community is amazing.
Recommend Tom

When I started my Rocket I flew out from BC to spend a few days with Tom Martin. Well worth it!
london rv8

Not sure who owns it, but if you are ever in london ontario, there is a absolutely mint rv8 in the esso hanger. Ever time i fly there i have to go peek at it. It has a distinctive green swish and a big eight ball on the tail. Ever around there go check it out.
Not sure who owns it, but if you are ever in london ontario, there is a absolutely mint rv8 in the esso hanger. Ever time i fly there i have to go peek at it. It has a distinctive green swish and a big eight ball on the tail. Ever around there go check it out.

Rick is bang-on; I've seen this swell 8-Ball RV-8 when the fellow flies up to the Rockliffe Airport here in Ottawa for Canada Day. The Canadian Aviation Museum is located here, too.

I have seen pictures of this 8 at buttonville before. I tried tracking him down on the civil aircraft register on Transport Canada's website because i though he was based there :( But yes it is nice (from what pics i have seen). Just Curious, from other peoples experience, is a CS prop worth the extra money over fixed?