
Well Known Member
I’m looking to do my 8A transition training in a 6A or 7A from the right seat. All of my flying hours are from the left seat. Ideally I would like to fly behind a Garmin panel on the right side as that’s what I have. I’ve explored all the other options but haven’t found this specific combination yet. I haven’t flown in a few years and need to bust the rust off before first flight. I have plenty of 7A hours to satisfy the insurance co. Anybody have any leads I would greatly appreciate the help.
Transition in an 8

Not the exact combination you asked for, but you could do your TT in the front seat of an RV-8 with Bruce Bohannon in Angleton, TX. He can provide a TW checkout in a Cub if you need that first. Outstanding instruction BTW.

Update: When I last contacted Mike Seager his schedule was booked into October. Schedules do change and an opening was available. Booked an earlier opening so everything is order.