Is there something different about the sissy wheel model that the tail dragger POH would not work for you?
nosewheel upgrade

Is there something different about the sissy wheel model that the tail dragger POH would not work for you?

if your that good you shouldnt need all those sissy avaionics ya should do it like a real pilot with just a compass and insted of that upgraded engine should use a model A engine but sence you have all those sissy avionics to go with the old stile (steam gear) I guess its ok if some of us want to move ahead with the upgraded nose gear along with the upgrades in engine and avionics that make flying more fun and safe .so unless your going to pull all that newer tec. stuff out of your plane and fly with all old school stuff .your sissy statment carries no weight at all

wow tough crowd, although becoming a tail wheel pilot will make you a better pilot, and argue ably those nose wheelies have their own draw backs,eg flipping planes on roll out.


Flame suit on
becoming a tail wheel pilot will make you a better pilot...

1) This statement is a matter of opinion.

2) Help the guy with his request, keep it on topic, or save the bandwidth.

No reason for this to go the way it has.

Is there something different about the sissy wheel model that the tail dragger POH would not work for you?

You know, I'm getting kind of tired of these "sissy wheel" comments. I fly a taildragger, learned to fly in one 35 years ago, and I'm building one. I also think taildraggers are better airplanes, but I am tired of this "Wow look at me I fly a taildragger B.S."
Respect is a great thing.
Relax a little

You know, I'm getting kind of tired of these "sissy wheel" comments. I fly a taildragger, learned to fly in one 35 years ago, and I'm building one. I also think taildraggers are better airplanes, but I am tired of this "Wow look at me I fly a taildragger B.S."
Respect is a great thing.

I hear where you're coming from, but I'm sure Kahuna was just poking fun.

I'm building a nose dragger and I'm prepared to listen to the B.S. that will be forthcoming. Actually it's already started.

I'd bet 99% of the comments made about the sissy wheels are just "in fun".

Back on topic, those are some very nice POH's!

You know, I'm getting kind of tired of these "sissy wheel" comments. I fly a taildragger, learned to fly in one 35 years ago, and I'm building one. I also think taildraggers are better airplanes, but I am tired of this "Wow look at me I fly a taildragger B.S."
Respect is a great thing.

Just last week, my uncle once again mentioned that he was glad I built a nosegear job. He talked me into it 12 years ago. He's an old time U.S. Army/Airforce pilot; and knows first hand, all the reasons modern aircraft have gone with the wheel up front.

Personally, when I get my taildragger, it will be an Aviat Husky or something similar. These type of "rough country" planes are the REAL reason to have that little wheel in back..

L.Adamson --- RV6A
Need to relax

I hear where you're coming from, but I'm sure Kahuna was just poking fun.

I'm building a nose dragger and I'm prepared to listen to the B.S. that will be forthcoming. Actually it's already started.

I'd bet 99% of the comments made about the sissy wheels are just "in fun".

Back on topic, those are some very nice POH's!


You're right, maybe I need to switch to decaf.
I guess my sense of humor took a short break.
You're right, maybe I need to switch to decaf.
I guess my sense of humor took a short break.

I liked your response, even if I don't take these "pro tailwheel comments" too seriously.. :D

Enjoy your caffine! If I don't have at least five cups in the morning, and four before bed.........I don't feel normal! :)

L.Adamson -- RV6A
I've modified the 6A POH Scott Gesele put together for an 8A, but it is still in work with little reliable flight data so far.

Once we complete test phase, will submit the .doc to the forum.
Nose wheel

Wow!! What a bunch of fun RV owners. I hope there is a POH someone created for the 8A. Altough i'm a Cessna 170B , 1942 Boeing Stearman and newly finished Starduster owner/ pilot, building this RV8A has been interesting and finding VAF was a really great thing. Nothing wrong with a little fun poking jokes but hey to be honest my wife would not have bought in on a "8" (no more tail draggers in the family) and we all know how important that is. I still need to swap my 8A 0-360 cowl for an I0-360 cowl!! Or sell it. Any Takers???:eek::rolleyes:
The answer is yes.

Does anyone have a POH I can use as a model for developing my own? I have seen examples of several other models but not the 8A. Thanks!
[email protected]

Yes, we sat down over a 5-6 week time line and wrote a very good manual for an RV-8A. The thing is It is written for an 8A with it's engine and instrument configuration, fuel system, and electrical. There is a lot of information and data out there on all the RV's. What we found that worked very well was to take say a factory Cessna manual format in 5 1/2"X8 1/2'" size. do all the writing on a good Word program, "say office". Get it roughed out on the computer and then, go over, and over, and over it again and again. Doing many work through and correction and revisions to it. It is not that hard once you have it formatted and put into the program. That leaves it ready to do the little corrections during phase one or as you find them later on down the road. Once the manual is written and set the way you wish it to be, take it down to Staples or your office supply store, have it punched and set on a spiral spine so you can use it in the airplane and out on the ramp for pre-flight inspections. Sorry I don't mind sharing but I do not transmit this kind of thing to often. Yours as always, R.E.A. III 380888
P.S. What we did while doing our work at refining the manual was get some plastic binder sleeves down at the office supply and just put key ring rings through the holes to simulate a spiral back while doing our walk through and simulation runs to work out the bugs.
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