
Active Member
Does anyone have pics of their pc680 attach location on the firewall? Vans has no documentation of this.Thanks Marc
What engine/prop are you planning?

Many people don't put it on the firewall in an attempt to try to balance out the relatively nose-heavy RV8. Of course, if you are planning on a wood/composite prop and an O-320, then the firewall is a fine location for the battery. I would guess that with the nose gear, the 8A model would tend to be even more nose heavy than the 8.
PC680 mounting

drakerv said:
Does anyone have pics of their pc680 attach location on the firewall? Vans has no documentation of this.Thanks Marc
I installed Van's standard battery tray and modified it slightly to hold the PC680. Flying 8A with O-360 and Catto prop(composite FP). No apparent problem with w&b, no problems in 400 hrs. Recommend oil sump preheat before starting in sub-freezing temperatures.

The RV8A does not have the nose heavy problems that the 8 has. Even with io360 and hartzell the 8a will not run out of elevator authority.I was told this because the 8a does not have the heavy gear structure up front.They also don`t have the stall buffet issues.Thanks.
I just put it where it belongs on the firewall and bent a filler bracket and fastened it to the bottom of the battery tray.
I got early versions of the -8 FWF kit and the PC680 mounting kit from Van's and they only showed battery mounting positions for the -7. I'm surprised they haven't corrected that yet. So that led to a lot of head scratching on how to mount mine because, as you have probably discovered, there's really no easy way to locate the standard Odyssey box on the -8 firewall. I wanted to hit the reinforcing angles behind the firewall and still have enough room above to slide the battery out and below to hang the solenoids.

The pictures show the admittedly kludgy result. I cut off the bottom of the Van's standard tray and riveted it to the 680 box to serve as the mounting point for the solenoids. Then I made a doubler out of 1/8" scrap that was wide enough to reach the angles on either side behind the firewall. I fastened the doubler to the box first with flush screws and then bolted the doubler to the firewall.

battery box

Thanks Jack. thats what i did also but i am still not sure about solenoid locations Marc