Hi all.
So I have been reading about the redesigned nose leg Vans now installs on the RV-7A and -9A. But have not seen any mention of this for the -8A. Any good reasons why the 8 doesn't get the new design?

It appears that the new design has common parts to the 6,7,9. That represents a lot of airplanes with one kit. The 8a does not have the common parts. There are few 8a compared to 6a,7a,9a. Lots of bang for the engineering time involved to create something that can be used on 3 models. I’m guessing the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.
I guess so. I mean given that Vans has already designed the nose leg and it's just a matter of incorporating it into the -8A engine mount which might take them a day if they work really slowly, then perhaps it could be done.

Saying it's too hard is not a great reason, especially when it isn't that hard.

Seems a little sloppy really to leave the upgrade job half done. I mean, is there an issue with the nose gear legs or not?
I saw that too but I had ordered an 8A mount and it was 6 month lead time, that was a year ago. I was helping a buddy on his RV 10 and it appeared that the donut would be close to the exhaust on an 8A configuration. It would add a few pounds to the front also and as I recall the forward cg bias might not be worth the swap. Could be helpful on unimproved runways though.