
Ran into my first possible issue with the empennage with HS404 and HS405

One one side i drilled the HS 404 a little to close, (and not on the centerline)

Its labor day so nobody at vans to ask, is this acceptable or do i need to get a new HS404?

I moved on to the other side, and did much better with the edge distances, however, one of the drills thru the spar is a little too close to the edge of the skin, so the rib sticks out a little. This is the one im really hoping isnt a big issue, because if i need to replace, ill ned to replace some spar parts too....:(
Get a new one

I did the same thing when i first started building . I didn't get it to close but upsde down. This won't be the first error . Be glad it wasn't somethig expensive. You will learn to take a closer look.
Dick RV8A
I'll get a new hs404. But it's the other I'm worries about. That would be a. Ew spar and aluminum bar and and and... :(