
Well Known Member

I am in the process of fitting my flooring. I am having trouble with where the foreward section of the footwells "should" mount to a piece of angle that was riveted to the aft side of the 804 center section. That piece of angle is nowhere near level with the side ribs and the center ribs that support the outside of the footwells and the center flooring section. The angle on the 804 appears to be about .25" lower than the ribs. I thought I must have mis-located the angle on the 804 but it is where the drawing calls for it to be.

Anyone else had this problem? The only thing I can think to do is rivet a .25" shim to the angle. That is a heck of a shim! :eek:
I'm not in / near the shop but on my QB -8 fuse the angle was at the correct height for the front of the footwells...

You are probably missing the shim that goes on top of that angle. I'll try to find a pic.

(Wish I had brought my plans home tonight, argh!)

In the process of making a picture per Skidmk's request, I think I have discovered that my original statement about the angle on the 804 being correct per the drawing may be wrong. I don't know how I got off so far. It may be that the radius on the top of the 804 is so rounded, I failed to measure from the right spot. I hope my holes for the rudder cables aren't off too much! :eek:

Here is the embarassing picture...

without thinking any more about this and any other possible problems........................shim it and forget it.............only you will know in the end.
Its all about how well you cover your mistakes(provided they are not safety of flight related)

Thanks, Jeremy. That is what I intend to do. The good news is that the hole for the rudder cable appears to be in the right location. As you can see in the pic I had to notch the angle quite a bit for the rudder cable hole. Looking at the drawing, it only shows a small notch in the angle for the hole. It looks like the angle is just located down to far. So, I think I am going to be OK with the rudder cable hole location.
Me Too

I did the same thing on mine. Still don't know for sure how I measured wrong. I just made some 1/4 spacers and attached them to the angle. Once covered, nobody is the wiser except the guy building next to me. I threatened to fly circles around his KR-1 if he told anyone!