
Well Known Member
Made the first flight in my 8A this morning,only problem was no CHT on #4 cyl.
All the rest of the temps. were in the green.With aircraft in trim hands and feet off controlls the ball stayed in the center and no wing drop.Almost a perfect first flight. The best money that I spent was the 3 hrs with Pierre Smith in his 6A it made my first flight a nonevent.
Congrats from Newalla OK

Hey Jim - Way to go!!! Great day, isn't it? I have my second airplane underway in the shop now; an 8. Painting the interior now. Hope to fly in a year or so.


8A Pilot


CONGRATULATIONS on transitioning from an 8A builder to a pilot!

Best Regards,

Bill Palmer :rolleyes:
(RV-8A STILL In-Work!)
Chino Hills, CA
Congratulations Jim!, I know how good it is to get that first flight behind you! I did my first flight last week, the second and third flights will be even better.
Good luck with your new birth!

Adam Silverstein
RV-8 (3 Hours)
Biggest guy yet...

......to get in my -6A. Congratulations Jim on a job well done. Jim took to the RV's like a fish takes to water and the tallest man yet to fit in my airplane at 6' 5". With a little duck of his head to let the slider frame by, there was enough room for the headset and him only sitting on the Classic aero bolster with no seat cushion. I told him earlier that I thought he'd fit if Larry Dickinson at 6'4" managed but I think his height was the limit.

Keep it up Jim,
Successes like your's boost my enthusiasm

Great job, hoping to report the same with mine next year!