
Active Member
Based on encouragement from lots of VAF members, I verified that I can get a Special Issuance medical for my new Type 1 Diabetes. No longer interested in selling the kit.

I'm settled into new house and have (prays) stable employment with a bit more free time. It's been 4+ years of no action. So much for retiring from the Navy getting you more free time for leisure. Getting my Senior Reactor Operator license is a free time black hole.

So, I've taken the kit out of storage, finally got off the wait list and have hangar space at K1A0 (Dallas Bay Skypark). Repaired the elcheapo Harbor Freight air compressor (for which they had no parts). Put the left wing back on the stand and reviewing the construction plans. Look forward to many hours of drilling, deburring, dimpling, clecoing, priming, riveting.

Lots of things to do, but I'm going to make sure I take it slow and steady and plan for success. One of the locals, who used to work construction said the last 1/2 hour of the work day was set aside for getting ready for the next day.

I'm going to try that with the project. Prepare for the following day: lay out the parts, tools and plans. Hopefully, as soon as I show up, I can not waste time and be productive, not plodding along.
One of the bumps in the road

Congratulations! Getting the SI Class 3 is just another bump in the road. I've been flying 3 years with one. Now let's get that plane built. :)
Glad to see you back in the saddle! The important thing is to do something on the project every day, if at all possible. Good luck!
Good attitude, Paul!

I have a daugher in Hixson. I'll try to remember to look you up the next time I'm in the area.
I lived in Hixson for a couple years before moving down here to Atlanta. Truth be told, given a choice I'd rather live up there, but the work is down here. My brother still lives in Red Bank and I go up to see him from time to time. Been into 1A0 quite a few times.

I'll have to remember to look you up the next time I head up that way. Good luck with the build!
Shop/hangar has power

Found out that:
  1. The hangar has essentially no lighting (important for building after kids are in bed).
  2. With two lights on and a compressor starting, blows a breaker - somewhwere.
  3. Works just fine with a $100 portable generator from the local classifieds.
  4. That said generator surges at idle, but is surprisingly quiet.
  5. I'm making progress figuring out where to pick up on the wings.

I also reported (based on AME recommendation) to the FAA in OKC that I have been 'self grounded' since my DX. The very helpful lady said I'd get a letter with lots of specifics on how to get a SI for my class 3.

Assuming that goes well, I'll probably order the QB fuse and finish the wings while waiting for it.

Wow. I forgot about half way through the evening build to wear gloves when installing/moving so many clecos.

I also found that there were many things I wish I'd finished up when I put the project aside when I made the transition to civilian life (4 years ago).

I finally match drilled the upper wing skins (with wing walk doubler) for the left wing. I have to build the LE/Tank stand which was destroyed during the move. Also would like to build the wing storage stand while I'm at it. Have to wait for some beloved Proseal from the Van's.


Got to test out my tank to pressure switch tubing line fix for the el cheapo compressor. Works great and I know that brass is rated for >150F, which melted the nylon 1/4" I tried earlier.


I've also pretty much decided to go with some form of Dynon Skyview. Probably a single 10" PFD/EMS. That means ordering the AOA pitot and tubing for the left wing. Have to check if there are any other RV-8 panels with Skyviews installed.

There were some nice vintage birds out at the Hixson Flight Museum.

Someone directed me to this thread from my post in the Southeast child forums:

I am a prospective builder, just beginning and choosing kits.

I am not to far away from Hixson, (down in Benton, TN) and I am routinely in Chattanooga. If you ever need help I'd be happy to pitch in where I can. I am working on my PPL at Crystal Air, and I am hoping to buy my first tail kit in a year or so.

I am somewhat decent when it comes to basic construction skills, but I have never built a kit before. At the very least, I'd be happy to "talk airplanes" with you, Lord knows my wife hears enough about them.

Feel free to PM me if you would like my contact info.